Content referencing Paul Jadin

Wisconsin Main Street success stories celebrated at 33rd annual awards event
Press Release

Wisconsin Main Street success stories celebrated at 33rd annual awards event

At Green Bay awards ceremony, WEDC salutes top 2023 revitalization projects

Murphy’s Law: Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker
Murphy’s Law

Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker

Both as county exec and governor, Scott Walker systematically evaded public scrutiny.

Murphy’s Law: The Secrets of Mike Huebsch
Murphy’s Law

The Secrets of Mike Huebsch

He’s been a leader in evading and undermining Wisconsin's open records laws.

Governor Evers: Brookings/ITIF Proposal Would Significantly Boost Funding for Wisconsin Tech Leaders
Press Release

Governor Evers: Brookings/ITIF Proposal Would Significantly Boost Funding for Wisconsin Tech Leaders

Report calls for 10-year, $100 billion federal Investment in “heartland” tech centers

Garver Feed Mill officially opens in Madison
Press Release

Garver Feed Mill officially opens in Madison

Governor Evers, Destination Madison celebrate redevelopment of historic property

The State of Politics: Evers Respects His Agency Leaders
The State of Politics

Evers Respects His Agency Leaders

Walker at times ignored cabinet, made decisions for his political career.

Conagra Brands expanding Birds Eye Foods operations in Beaver Dam
Press Release

Conagra Brands expanding Birds Eye Foods operations in Beaver Dam

Company expects to create approximately 140 jobs over five years to support Birds Eye

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Next Generation Workforce and Economic Development Policy Advisory Council
Press Release

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Next Generation Workforce and Economic Development Policy Advisory Council

"Investing in an economy that creates good-paying, family-supporting jobs for the people of Wisconsin is a top priority for our administration."

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Lost
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Lost

He seemed to have the perfect strategy. The top 10 reasons he failed.

Murphy’s Law: 33 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

33 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals, who were the election’s other big winners and losers?

Op Ed: State Jobs Agency Still a Failure
Op Ed

State Jobs Agency Still a Failure

Walker administration blames director who left in 2012, but four audits in six years show problems persist.

Walker, Evers Talk Taxes, Health Care, Immigration At First Debate

Walker, Evers Talk Taxes, Health Care, Immigration At First Debate

Gubernatorial candidates also discuss criticism from former Walker cabinet secretaries; charges of plagiarism at Wisconsin's DPI.

Former Walker Secretary: Scott Walker Tried to Punt Blame on Broken Job Promises
Press Release

Former Walker Secretary: Scott Walker Tried to Punt Blame on Broken Job Promises

"I hope you understand that I cannot be accountable for the job numbers," Walker said, according to Jardin

Students, educators have more opportunities for career exploration with launch of Inspire Wisconsin network
Press Release

Students, educators have more opportunities for career exploration with launch of Inspire Wisconsin network

More than 230,000 students will be able to directly connect to businesses statewide as regions expand collaborative efforts

WEDC, regional organizations launch statewide initiative to address workforce development needs
Press Release

WEDC, regional organizations launch statewide initiative to address workforce development needs

Statewide expansion of web-based platform will enable local employers to engage directly with students and help build talent pipeline

The Little Potato Company Selects Deforest for U.S. Head Office and Processing Facility
Press Release

The Little Potato Company Selects Deforest for U.S. Head Office and Processing Facility

WEDC award supports $11.7 million capital investment projected to create 129 jobs

The State of Politics: Open Records Law Still Under Siege
The State of Politics

Open Records Law Still Under Siege

Former Corrections Secretary Ed Wall’s attempted end run is latest of many attacks on the law.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Secretive Governing Style
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Secretive Governing Style

Since he was County Executive, Walker has devised ever more ways to operate in secret.

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Two cabinet members say Huebsch instructed them to use private channels for state business.

Tales of the WEDC

Tales of the WEDC

Some deals by controversial jobs agency worked, others failed badly

Jobs Lacking After State Subsidy of Kohl’s

Jobs Lacking After State Subsidy of Kohl’s

After qualifying for up to $62.5 million in state taxpayer subsidies, the retail giant is falling short of creating jobs and making capital investments