Content referencing Laurel Patrick

Murphy’s Law: Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker
Murphy’s Law

Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker

Both as county exec and governor, Scott Walker systematically evaded public scrutiny.

What Would Tommy Do?

What Would Tommy Do?

A Republican governor was once UW’s greatest champion. Those days are long gone.

The State of Politics: Impact of Walker’s 59 Judicial Choices
The State of Politics

Impact of Walker’s 59 Judicial Choices

He’s already replaced nearly one-fifth of judges in the state.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Secretive Governing Style
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Secretive Governing Style

Since he was County Executive, Walker has devised ever more ways to operate in secret.

Children Left Behind: Wisconsin Going Backwards on Achievement Gap
Children Left Behind

Wisconsin Going Backwards on Achievement Gap

Critics say changes in state education programs could worsen black-white learning gap.

Murphy’s Law: “The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”
Murphy’s Law

“The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”

Chief Flynn say legislature’s “insane” concealed carry law causes crime and threatens police safety.

The State of Politics: Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly
The State of Politics

Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly

By 0.6%, but the tax has still dropped 3.9% since Walker took office.

Back in the News: Gov. Walker Did Have Secret Email System
Back in the News

Gov. Walker Did Have Secret Email System

Report shows state business conducted through 300 personal emails, confirms Urban Milwaukee story.

Jobs Lacking After State Subsidy of Kohl’s

Jobs Lacking After State Subsidy of Kohl’s

After qualifying for up to $62.5 million in state taxpayer subsidies, the retail giant is falling short of creating jobs and making capital investments

Back in the News: Walker “Worst” Candidate on Wind, Solar?
Back in the News

Walker “Worst” Candidate on Wind, Solar?

State is worst for home solar and stagnant on wind power, Bloomberg story suggests.

Back in the News: Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records
Back in the News

Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records

Fitzgerald says governor involved and Walker’s office admits his role. Legislative drafting notes hid the authors.

Walker Still Mum On Role Curbing Public Records

Walker Still Mum On Role Curbing Public Records

Legislature's proposal used language previously crafted by Walker administration, but governor and Vos won't discuss governor's involvement. Update of story published on July 3rd.

Murphy’s Law: State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee

Proposed sports district gives all legal protection to the state and sticks it to Milwaukee, both financially and politically.

Walker Would End Oversight of For-Profit Colleges

Walker Would End Oversight of For-Profit Colleges

His budget eliminates Educational Approval Board, which costs the state nothing to oversee for-profit colleges.

Murphy’s Law: Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?
Murphy’s Law

Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?

Actually, local taxpayers will be donating $450 million. But the press won’t report the details.

Murphy’s Law: The Quick-Law Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Quick-Law Governor

Countless sweeping changes have been proposed almost overnight, with no study, no rationale and no known author.

The State of Politics: Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper
The State of Politics

Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper

After all the controversy, it’s been killed, with barely a word from partisans on either side. Why?

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

The budget has a flock of non-financial items -- 58 in all -- that will quietly change state polices.

Murphy’s Law: How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Murphy’s Law

How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?

Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?

Murphy’s Law: Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?
Murphy’s Law

Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?

Board members favor a “grandfather clause” protecting retirees with illegal payments that could cost taxpayers $10 million.

State Fights Plan to Cut Carbon Emissions

State Fights Plan to Cut Carbon Emissions

Plan would cut emissions by 34% and costs for state, Walker administration figures show. So why the resistance?

Will State Force Family Planning Clinics To Close?

Will State Force Family Planning Clinics To Close?

State auditors say they are protecting taxpayers; birth control advocates say state has political agenda.

Wisconsin Lags on Alternative Energy

Wisconsin Lags on Alternative Energy

Conservative businessman Matt Neumann blasts Republicans for state's "rotten" record on renewable energy.

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Critics say anti-regulatory bent means state hasn't addressed potential hazards and adapted cost-saving advances. First of a series.

Black Men Face Unequal Enforcement of Marijuana Laws

Black Men Face Unequal Enforcement of Marijuana Laws

While the nation moves towards legalization, Wisconsin fills its jails with black men arrested for marijuana possession.

Cruel and Unusual: State Prisons “Routinely Engage in Torture,” Group Claims
Cruel and Unusual

State Prisons “Routinely Engage in Torture,” Group Claims

Faith-based advocacy group asks Gov. Walker to investigate allegations of prisoner abuse at Waupun.

The State of Politics: Republicans Kill Covenant Grants for College Students
The State of Politics

Republicans Kill Covenant Grants for College Students

Doyle program rewarded high school students with good grades, but program is being phased out.