Plenty of Horne

Plenty of Horne: Portrait of a Spitting Shorewood Attorney
Plenty of Horne

Portrait of a Spitting Shorewood Attorney

Stephanie Rapkin can handle all kinds of trusts, and claims an affiliation with UWM and Marquette.

Plenty of Horne: Park Lafayette Developer in Federal Prison
Plenty of Horne

Park Lafayette Developer in Federal Prison

Warren N. Barr, 68, nets seven-plus year term in $22.8 million 2014 Chicago mortgage fraud scheme.

Plenty of Horne: I Served As a Pandemic Poll Worker
Plenty of Horne

I Served As a Pandemic Poll Worker

We would all be paid! I felt the economy rebounding under my feet.

Plenty of Horne: Dark-Money Group Slings Mud in Comptroller Race
Plenty of Horne

Dark-Money Group Slings Mud in Comptroller Race

Group backing Rep. Jason Fields produces attack ads against his opponent, Aycha Sawa.

Plenty of Horne: ‘Attractive’ Facade Changes for Historic Tied House
Plenty of Horne

‘Attractive’ Facade Changes for Historic Tied House

Also, more on the coming Streetcar Smart Kiosks.

Plenty of Horne: Tearman Spencer Has Delinquent Tax Bill
Plenty of Horne

Tearman Spencer Has Delinquent Tax Bill

City Attorney candidate hasn't paid tax bill. If he wins, and is still delinquent he would have to sue himself.

Plenty of Horne: Journal and Sentinel Archives Threatened
Plenty of Horne

Journal and Sentinel Archives Threatened

Newsbank, JS owners look to squeeze libraries for millions and they can't afford to pay it.

Plenty of Horne: UWM to Raze Old Hospital Building
Plenty of Horne

UWM to Raze Old Hospital Building

Handsome old neoclassical red brick building can't be converted for university purposes.

Plenty of Horne: Brady St. BID Head Heads to Shorewood
Plenty of Horne

Brady St. BID Head Heads to Shorewood

Steph Salvia also quitting Downer Ave. BID to head suburban business district.

Plenty of Horne: Sign of Times? Lyon St. Laundromat Closes
Plenty of Horne

Sign of Times? Lyon St. Laundromat Closes

Laundromats disappearing in redeveloped urban neighborhoods across the country.

Plenty of Horne: Public Market Scores Gimbel’s Sign
Plenty of Horne

Public Market Scores Gimbel’s Sign

Classic, 86-pound plaque from 1920s joins a sign from rival Boston Store.

Top 10 of 2019: Most Popular Plenty of Horne Columns
Top 10 of 2019

Most Popular Plenty of Horne Columns

Scott Walker, Chris Abele, John Norquist and Rudy Guiliani all made the list.