Real Estate

In Public: Ordinary Beauty
In Public

Ordinary Beauty

Dohmen building’s redesign is a model for how to add value and grace while updating a 1960s creation.

Plenty of Horne: The New Gateway to Bay View?
Plenty of Horne

The New Gateway to Bay View?

Development proposed at neighborhood meeting would include 5 stories, 3,000 square feet of first floor retail and 72 apartments on 4 floors above this.

Yesterday’s Milwaukee: Inside T.A. Chapman’s, 1873
Yesterday’s Milwaukee

Inside T.A. Chapman’s, 1873

Chapman's, the city's first department store for upscale buyers, was the last word in elegance for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle
Murphy’s Law

The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle

Its Estabrook Dam decision will cost taxpayers millions and harm environment.

Plats and Parcels: Huge Growth for Brady and Water
Plats and Parcels

Huge Growth for Brady and Water

Three different developments will add 740 apartments and tremendous urban density to the area.

Friday Photos: Streetcar Signing Is Quite a Celebration
Friday Photos

Streetcar Signing Is Quite a Celebration

The mayor, business leaders and pols toasted the streetcar in Cudahy's Irish Pub, with Michael Cudahy on hand.

Freshwater Mecca: Milwaukee Leads Great Lakes Cities
Freshwater Mecca

Milwaukee Leads Great Lakes Cities

Its waterfront redevelopment is many decades ahead of Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo. Part IV of a series.

UWM Public Health School Tackles Social Problems

UWM Public Health School Tackles Social Problems

Its new headquarters in the Brewery is a MANDI finalist and its staff and students work with city Health Department.

Murphy’s Law: How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Murphy’s Law

How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?

Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?

Plenty of Horne: Rebuilding A World of Cream City Brick
Plenty of Horne

Rebuilding A World of Cream City Brick

Huge "River House" development on the river will have 450 apartments, a substantial riverwalk and an updated Cream City design by architect Jim Shields.

Great Building, Great Resource Center for Veterans

Great Building, Great Resource Center for Veterans

New veterans center on MLK Dr. is a MANDI finalist and provides wide range of services for veterans.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Milwaukee Streetcar Approved
Eyes on Milwaukee

Milwaukee Streetcar Approved

After years of debate, streetcar will finally move forward. Final engineering will begin immediately, and construction by the end of the year.