Public Safety

County Proposal Replaces Youth Prison

County Proposal Replaces Youth Prison

Tells state it can renovate county Juvenile Justice Center to house children now in state prisons.

The Contrarian: Does Only Segregation Cause Murders?
The Contrarian

Does Only Segregation Cause Murders?

JS story suggests blacks in segregated neighborhoods have no way to stop violence.

Camp Reunites Jailed Mothers With Kids

Camp Reunites Jailed Mothers With Kids

Camp Reunite brings children to visit their imprisoned mothers in friendly setting at Taycheedah prison.

Church Defends Banner of Accused Child Rapist

Church Defends Banner of Accused Child Rapist

Residents upset south-side church promoting religious leader accused of dozens of crimes.

Op Ed: Don’t Punish Victims of Human Trafficking
Op Ed

Don’t Punish Victims of Human Trafficking

Safe Harbor legislation would stop the unnecessary incarceration of trafficked girls.

Drunk Driving On Rise for Corrections Staff?

Drunk Driving On Rise for Corrections Staff?

State Corrections Secretary concerned about stress causing workers to abuse alcohol.

What’s Happening With State’s Youth Prisons?

What’s Happening With State’s Youth Prisons?

Three key developments affecting Wisconsin’s troubled youth correctional facilities.

Court Watch: Court Finds County Not Liable For Assaults
Court Watch

Court Finds County Not Liable For Assaults

Polk County Jail officer sexually assaulted female inmates but Appeals Court tosses out $2 million verdict.

Cruel and Unusual: Rules Violations Cause 40% of Prison Admissions
Cruel and Unusual

Rules Violations Cause 40% of Prison Admissions

State figures show supervision violations, not new crimes, drive prison admissions.

Court Watch: Absentee Dad Can’t Collect from Son’s Estate
Court Watch

Absentee Dad Can’t Collect from Son’s Estate

Court rules father won’t get share of $1.4 million legal settlement in death of his son.

Cruel and Unusual: Evers Faces Hurdles to Cutting Prisons
Cruel and Unusual

Evers Faces Hurdles to Cutting Prisons

Governor promised to cut prison population by 50%, but has so far made no progress.

Human Trafficking Still a Hidden Problem

Human Trafficking Still a Hidden Problem

State had more than 60 cases in 2018, but much of it undetected, experts say.