
GOP Bill Jails More, Costs $1 Billion

GOP Bill Jails More, Costs $1 Billion

Measure would re-imprison anyone who commits a crime while on extended supervision, parole, or probation.

State Capitol Discriminates, Legislator Charges

State Capitol Discriminates, Legislator Charges

Signs asking unvaccinated people to wear masks is “discrimination,” Republican insists.

City Hall: Should Millions in Federal Aid Be Split Up By Aldermanic District?
City Hall

Should Millions in Federal Aid Be Split Up By Aldermanic District?

Council members float idea that would allocate some of the money by district instead of citywide.

Bowen Introduces Package of Policing Bills

Bowen Introduces Package of Policing Bills

The Milwaukee representative introduced a slate of legislation titled "Enough is Enough."

GOP Bills Would Ban Critical Race Theory in Wisconsin Schools

GOP Bills Would Ban Critical Race Theory in Wisconsin Schools

Legislation is similar to other Republican bills being pushed around the country.

Ron Johnson Undecided if He’ll Run in 2022

Ron Johnson Undecided if He’ll Run in 2022

The senator also said "legitimate concerns" of election fraud in 2020 shouldn't be dismissed.

GOP Election Commissioners Want Tougher Response to Felon Voting

GOP Election Commissioners Want Tougher Response to Felon Voting

Republican appointees decry election fraud citing negligible numbers of felons voting.

GOP Lawmakers Reject Unemployment System Improvements

GOP Lawmakers Reject Unemployment System Improvements

Republicans in State Legislature vote down $15 million to fix unemployment system.

City Hall: Barrett’s Annual Address Cites Challenges
City Hall

Barrett’s Annual Address Cites Challenges

Delayed by pandemic, his 2021 state-of-the-city-style speech strikes optimistic tone for future.

Murphy’s Law: No More County Government Bickering
Murphy’s Law

No More County Government Bickering

Relationship between County Executive Crowley and Board Chair Nicholson is the best in decades.

Data Wonk: Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote
Data Wonk

Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote

Against foundation grants to improve elections even in GOP-leaning districts.

Are Employers ‘Competing With The Couch’?

Are Employers ‘Competing With The Couch’?

GOP legislators say jobless benefits causing worker shortage. Studies don’t back them up.