Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General
Murphy’s Law

Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General

Jon Richards is the favorite. But is he the best choice?

Murphy’s Law: Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?
Murphy’s Law

Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?

Attack ads blast Clarke. Another targets “dysfunctional” Marina Dimitrijevic. Who’s buying all these nasty ads?

Murphy’s Law: How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel

10 ways the deal will impact the newspaper, the media world and this city.

Murphy’s Law: Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?
Murphy’s Law

Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?

Donations to arts groups have plummeted while giving to education has soared. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker’s Liberal Campaign Tactics?
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker’s Liberal Campaign Tactics?

His ads target Burke for not being liberal enough. Is he desperate -- or crazy like a fox?

Murphy’s Law: The Sheer Ambition of Marina Dimitrijevic
Murphy’s Law

The Sheer Ambition of Marina Dimitrijevic

She’s running for assembly but wanted to continue as county supervisor and collect two full-time salaries.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?

Yes, says new report. But there’s reason to doubt its conclusions.

Murphy’s Law: A Tale of Two Cities
Murphy’s Law

A Tale of Two Cities

New city report reveals huge split between Milwaukee’s desperate poverty and wonderful amenities, neighborhoods. What are its solutions?

Murphy’s Law: County Board Goes Crazy Over Referendums
Murphy’s Law

County Board Goes Crazy Over Referendums

Board wants to put 4 advisory referendum questions on the ballot, at a cost of more than $100,000. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Cheap Schools Solution
Murphy’s Law

The Cheap Schools Solution

Wisconsin’s spending on education has dropped drastically. Long-term, that could be a big problem.

Murphy’s Law: How UWM Deal Will Affect the Bucks
Murphy’s Law

How UWM Deal Will Affect the Bucks

UWM’s naming rights for old U.S. Cellular Arena could change where new NBA arena is built -- and what happens to Bradley Center.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud

False claims of rampant voter fraud by GOP and talk radio prompt their followers to vote illegally.