Related Articles - Page 4

Theater: An Old Milwaukee Christmas

An Old Milwaukee Christmas

Chamber Theatre’s “Miracle on South Division Street” feels very Milwaukee, despite creaky script.

Theater: Rep’s Jane Eyre Will Surprise You

Rep’s Jane Eyre Will Surprise You

More cool than romantic, it’s a psychologically gripping production.

Theater: A Dickens of a Staging

A Dickens of a Staging

Chamber Theatre’s ‘Great Expectations’ is cleverly staged, great fun.

Theater: Love and Pain and Journalism

Love and Pain and Journalism

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s “The Few” is uneven, but mysterious.

Theater: <em>Lovely Sunday,</em> What a Farce

Lovely Sunday, What a Farce

Big laughs and big voices, not enough humanity.

Theater: A Masters Class in Period Posturing

A Masters Class in Period Posturing

Chamber Theatre’s “Fallen Angels” gets Coward’s comedy but not the more serious observations.

Theater: Sex? We Are Shocked!

Sex? We Are Shocked!

Chamber Theatre stages Coward's comedy, ‘Fallen Angels’, which once outraged viewers.

Theater: Character Clash in Costa Rica

Character Clash in Costa Rica

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s “Slowgirl” brings an edgy new play to Milwaukee.

Theater: Hey Gang, We’re Putting on a Show!

Hey Gang, We’re Putting on a Show!

Chamber Theatre’s ‘Love Stories’ offers easy-going approach to interconnect three one acts.

Theater: Love (Sort Of) Between Poets

Love (Sort Of) Between Poets

Chamber Theatre production captures a mystic romance between poets Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop.

The Season Ahead: Next Act Theatre
The Season Ahead

Next Act Theatre

David Cecsarini opens the season with "Perfect Mendacity," a complex play about truth and deception, but it's just one of Next Act's diverse offerings this year.

The Season Ahead: Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
The Season Ahead

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre

C. Michael Wright talks about his company's season of "Our Friends and Neighbors," and gives an on-set video interview about their first show, "'Art,'" where he plays Serge. Video by Gene Cawley.

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