State Sen. Tim Carpenter

Recent Articles

Sen. Tim Carpenter Named Conservation Champion
Press Release

Sen. Tim Carpenter Named Conservation Champion


Senate GOP Hides from Debate on Final Day of Session
Thank you for your service, Representative Riemer!
US Postal Service Approves Hank Aaron Stamp
Press Release

US Postal Service Approves Hank Aaron Stamp


Sen. Carpenter Says Milwaukee and Wisconsin Deserve a Better Deal
Condemning the Attack in Cathedral Square Park
GOP refuses to hold Gableman accountable to the taxpayers
The Gableman Report was a Waste of Time and Money
Republicans Rubberstamp Expanded Powers for Gableman
Sen. Carpenter Requests Legislative Audit of Michael Gableman’s Commission
Vos Gets Golden Fleece Award – Wastes $676,000 taxpayer dollars
Republicans have turned the Natural Resources Board into a political swamp
Republicans Reject Final Opportunity to Provide a Tax Break for Unemployment Recipients
Public Hearing Scheduled for Unemployment Compensation Tax Break
Press Release

Public Hearing Scheduled for Unemployment Compensation Tax Break

Proposal would exempt the first $10,200 in UC benefits from taxation

Carpenter, McGuire Introduce Bill to Ease Tax Burden on UI Benefits
Press Release

Carpenter, McGuire Introduce Bill to Ease Tax Burden on UI Benefits

Proposal would exempt the first $10,200 in benefits from taxation

Sen. Carpenter and others Reintroduce Legislation to Ban Conversion Therapy in Wisconsin
Republicans continue to leave those on Unemployment out in the cold:
Press Release

Republicans continue to leave those on Unemployment out in the cold:

Even as some of them voted to give their own businesses a tax break

Transgender Day of Remembrance, 2020
Press Release

Transgender Day of Remembrance, 2020


Republicans Refuse to Work Across the Aisle
Press Release

Republicans Refuse to Work Across the Aisle


Sen. Carpenter: Prescription Drug Task Force Recommendations a Great Step Forward for Wisconsin
Carpenter Statement on Legislative Republicans’ Decision to Boycott Legislative Session
“It’s called doing your job!”
Press Release

“It’s called doing your job!”

-Senator Nass

Republican Health Committees: Missing in Action
Press Release

Republican Health Committees: Missing in Action

Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Matthew Shepard’s Story Continues to Haunt and Inspire Us after 22 Years
Public Hearing is Necessary before Striking down COVID Strategy
It is Time for Scott Fitzgerald to Resign
Press Release

It is Time for Scott Fitzgerald to Resign


Republican Senators Convene to Pass the Buck
Press Release

Republican Senators Convene to Pass the Buck


The Legislature’s Lack of Action is Shameful
Press Release

The Legislature’s Lack of Action is Shameful


Statement on the Shooting of Jacob Blake, the Damage to Kenosha, and the Special Session
I Sincerely Appreciate Your Kind Words of Support!
SCOTUS Ruling Ends the Current Fight over DACA
Press Release

SCOTUS Ruling Ends the Current Fight over DACA

But does not guarantee the Dreamers’ safety

Racism and Hate Have No Home Here!
Press Release

Racism and Hate Have No Home Here!


5-County Tax Freedom Day
Press Release

5-County Tax Freedom Day


Wisconsin Republicans Forget the Reason for the Season
Press Release

Wisconsin Republicans Forget the Reason for the Season

"I believe it’s hypocritical to pretend to care about Christmas by requiring the word be used, but then failing the spirit of the holiday and behaving like Grinches and Scrooges towards the homeless in Wisconsin."

Wisconsin Can Lead the Way on Affordable Medications
Press Release

Wisconsin Can Lead the Way on Affordable Medications

We Have Blazed this Trail Before with SeniorCare and High-Risk Insurance

Two Years after the Foxconn Contract Was Signed
Press Release

Two Years after the Foxconn Contract Was Signed

and Voters Still Have a Sour Taste in Their Mouths

Republican Senators, Do Your Job!
Press Release

Republican Senators, Do Your Job!

"The overwhelming support for these two gun safety ideas demands the Wisconsin Legislature convene, debate, and vote on passage of these bills."

Hate Has No Home Here!
Press Release

Hate Has No Home Here!

"I am sickened by the idea that this happened in the neighborhood where I grew up, in a city that is so proud of its immigrant heritage."

Senator Carpenter is Appointed to Governor Evers’ Task Force on Reducing Prescription Drug Prices
Press Release

Senator Carpenter is Appointed to Governor Evers’ Task Force on Reducing Prescription Drug Prices

"Prices for treatments have risen to unsustainable levels in Wisconsin and across the country."

Where’s Robin?
Press Release

Where’s Robin?

"Today at the Senate Committee on Transportation, Veterans and Military Affairs public hearing, Speaker Robin Vos didn’t even bother to testify on his own bill..."

Speaker Robin Vos’ Moral Failure
Press Release

Speaker Robin Vos’ Moral Failure

"Speaker Vos’ disregard for a colleague is frankly embarrassing."

Honoring the Memory of Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave, and Jerome Starr
Press Release

Honoring the Memory of Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave, and Jerome Starr

"As you are out and about this weekend, I hope that you will take a moment to reflect on this tragedy and the loss of life that sadly took place during the construction of our iconic Miller Park."

The Battle to Sunset the Miller Park Tax is Finally Over
Press Release

The Battle to Sunset the Miller Park Tax is Finally Over

"I am happy to see this is finally happening."

Sen. Carpenter: “Thank you Governor Evers”
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter: “Thank you Governor Evers”

Governor Issues Executive Order to Fly Rainbow Flag Over State Capitol

Lottery Windfall Money Should Be Dedicated for Local Road Aids
Press Release

Lottery Windfall Money Should Be Dedicated for Local Road Aids

‘This is a once in a lifetime opportunity’

Excess from the Miller Park Tax Should Be Returned to the 5 Counties
Press Release

Excess from the Miller Park Tax Should Be Returned to the 5 Counties

"The District has stated that barring any significant shift in economic conditions, they will be ready to officially sunset the tax at their March 2020 meeting."

It’s Groundhog Day in the GOP Legislature
Press Release

It’s Groundhog Day in the GOP Legislature

Majority Party Continues to Try and Deflect Blame

Sen. Carpenter Attends “The People’s Budget Listening Session”
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter Attends “The People’s Budget Listening Session”

Governor-Elect Evers and Lt. Governor-Elect Barnes Host Session

Carpenter: Require ‘Lame Duck” Bills to Supermajority Votes
Press Release

Carpenter: Require ‘Lame Duck” Bills to Supermajority Votes

“The tactics of these Republicans are an embarrassment to Wisconsin’s good government reputation and a black eye to our democracy.”

Governor Walker: What Will Your Message To Gov.-Elect Evers Be?
Press Release

Governor Walker: What Will Your Message To Gov.-Elect Evers Be?

I call on you to veto any and all bills passed during our lame-duck session that will limit the powers of our newly elected Governor and Attorney General.

5-County Fridays with the Milwaukee Brewers
Press Release

5-County Fridays with the Milwaukee Brewers

"September 7th and 28th are the last days to take advantage of the 5-County Fridays deal."

Jerry Kramer— Finally a Hall of Famer
Press Release

Jerry Kramer— Finally a Hall of Famer

"I can’t think of anyone more deserving!"

You Can’t Miss the 167th Wisconsin State Fair!
Press Release

You Can’t Miss the 167th Wisconsin State Fair!

"There’s something for everyone, which is what makes it one of my favorite traditions!"

In the DNC Selection Process, Milwaukee is the Crème de la Crème
Press Release

In the DNC Selection Process, Milwaukee is the Crème de la Crème

"Milwaukee, Wisconsin would be the perfect location to host the upcoming Democratic National Convention in 2020!"

Sen. Carpenter: ‘Frostman Deserves Appointment to WEDC Board’
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter: ‘Frostman Deserves Appointment to WEDC Board’

"Given his background and expertise, Senator Frostman is a perfect appointment to the WEDC Board."

Packer Jerry Kramer Belongs in Pro Football Hall of Fame!
Press Release

Packer Jerry Kramer Belongs in Pro Football Hall of Fame!

"I know of no player more deserving of recognition than Jerry Kramer and this is the year he should be inducted into the Hall."

Sen. Carpenter Thanks DHS Secretary for SeniorCare Attempts, Looks Forward to 2018
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter Thanks DHS Secretary for SeniorCare Attempts, Looks Forward to 2018

"I look forward to finding even more common ground upon which to do the people’s business."

Senator Carpenter Applauds SeniorCare Waiver Extension
Press Release

Senator Carpenter Applauds SeniorCare Waiver Extension

"It’s a great feeling to make people’s lives much better without partisan fighting."

Save Our SeniorCare!
Press Release

Save Our SeniorCare!

Access to affordable prescription drugs keeps our seniors healthier and helps prevent unnecessary and costly hospital visits.

Jury Duty is a Civic Responsibility
Press Release

Jury Duty is a Civic Responsibility

"Today Monday, November 20th, I will once again answer the call and report for jury duty."

Top Ten Reasons Wisconsin Got Conned
Press Release

Top Ten Reasons Wisconsin Got Conned

In an ode to the famous David Letterman, the reasons are presented 10 to 1

WEDC — Seeing Contract Today, A Good First Step, Taxpayer Protection Still Top Priority
Press Release

WEDC — Seeing Contract Today, A Good First Step, Taxpayer Protection Still Top Priority

"I am looking forward to reviewing all of the vast materials released by WEDC today in preparation for this vote on Wednesday."

WEDC — Ripe For Reform
Press Release

WEDC — Ripe For Reform

"It is time for WEDC to step into the light and be held accountable for the vast amounts of taxpayer dollars they are doling out."

Senator Carpenter Introduces Bill to End Miller Park Tax
Press Release

Senator Carpenter Introduces Bill to End Miller Park Tax

"Ending the Miller Park tax is one thing in which I think we can all agree."

Wrong Way Walker
Press Release

Wrong Way Walker

"Wisconsin drivers don't deserve third world road conditions because of Governor Walker's political games."

Carpenter Asks Governor to Veto Transportation Pork
Press Release

Carpenter Asks Governor to Veto Transportation Pork

The letter referenced funding for projects such as the airport improvement plans for Appleton International Airport and Alexander Field in Wisconsin Rapids.

Senator Carpenter Statement on Possible Zoo Interchange Delays
Press Release

Senator Carpenter Statement on Possible Zoo Interchange Delays

“Let’s get the Zoo Interchange project done now!”

The Senate Must be The Grownups in the Room… Again.
Press Release

The Senate Must be The Grownups in the Room… Again.

"Again, I am respectfully requesting Senator Fitzgerald to act responsibly and slow down this process."

It is Time for Fair Maps
Press Release

It is Time for Fair Maps

"I believe it is high time for Wisconsin Republicans to do the right thing and allow for non-partisan redistricting in Wisconsin."

DOT Crisis Needs Immediate Attention
Press Release

DOT Crisis Needs Immediate Attention

"It seems to me that the Governor is trying to obfuscate the dire situation at the DOT and hide from Wisconsin taxpayers his mismanagement."

Sen. Carpenter’s statement on Governor Walker’s lack of leadership on the transportation budget crisis.
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter’s statement on Governor Walker’s lack of leadership on the transportation budget crisis.

"Time and again the Governor has put his own political ambition over the needs of Wisconsinites..."

Sen. Carpenter Asks Governor Walker to Work to Protect SeniorCare
Press Release

Sen. Carpenter Asks Governor Walker to Work to Protect SeniorCare

Senator Carpenter noted that SeniorCare serves around 60,000 seniors and saves tens of millions of dollars for Wisconsin’s seniors and taxpayers.