State Sen. LaTonya Johnson

Recent Articles

Senator Johnson Responds to Charges against Waupun Correctional Institution Staff
PRINCE Act Passes Assembly, Headed to Governor Evers
Sen. LaTonya Johnson’s Statement on the Passing of Herb Kohl
Sen. Johnson Denounces GOP Efforts to Hinder Diversity in Wisconsin
Sen. LaTonya Johnson Reappointed to Joint Finance Committee
Sen. LaTonya Johnson Honors National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Statement on Tragic Workplace Shooting in Milwaukee
Republicans Fail to Prioritize the Safety of Wisconsinites
Press Release

Republicans Fail to Prioritize the Safety of Wisconsinites

“It’s time for Republicans to prioritize the safety of Wisconsinites.”

Op Ed: Congress Must Protect the DSH Program
Op Ed

Congress Must Protect the DSH Program

Program created by President Reagan provides funds to hospitals to offset costs for providing care to the uninsured.

Governor’s Budget Creates an Economy that Works for Everyone
Press Release

Governor’s Budget Creates an Economy that Works for Everyone

"Hardworking Wisconsin families deserve decent wages and workplace fairness."

Governor’s Budget Makes Critical Investments in our Public Schools
Press Release

Governor’s Budget Makes Critical Investments in our Public Schools

"After years of underfunding from Republican lawmakers, the governor has put our children’s future and the needs of our local schools first."

Statement on Tragic Loss of Milwaukee Police Officer
Press Release

Statement on Tragic Loss of Milwaukee Police Officer

"Today my heart, thoughts and prayers are with the Milwaukee Police Department as they mourn the loss of one of their own, for the third time in less than a year."

Senator LaTonya Johnson Appointed to Joint Finance Committee
Press Release

Senator LaTonya Johnson Appointed to Joint Finance Committee

"It is an incredible honor and privilege to be appointed to the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee."

Special Session Bills Not the Way to Support Families
Press Release

Special Session Bills Not the Way to Support Families

The bottom line is that denying basic necessities to people who are trying to provide for themselves and their families, through costly administrative hurdles, is not the Wisconsin our elected leaders should be creating.

Bipartisan ‘Green Alert’ Bill Passes State Senate
Press Release

Bipartisan ‘Green Alert’ Bill Passes State Senate

"The bill passed by the Senate today, known as the Corey Adams Searchlight Act, gives us the tools we need to offer aid when a veteran goes missing."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson statement on new health clinic in Milwaukee
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson statement on new health clinic in Milwaukee

"I will always be proud to say that I am a Planned Parenthood patient..."

Bi-partisan Corey Adams Searchlight Act Would Create “Green Alert” to Help Find Missing At-Risk Veterans
Press Release

Bi-partisan Corey Adams Searchlight Act Would Create “Green Alert” to Help Find Missing At-Risk Veterans

This bill is supported by the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the VFW.

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget

Wisconsin State Senator LaTonya Johnson (D – Milwaukee) made the following statement regarding passage of the 2017-2019 state budget by the Wisconsin State Senate

Sen. LaTonya Johnson’s Juvenile Justice Reform Signed Into Law
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson’s Juvenile Justice Reform Signed Into Law

"“It’s far past time that we get serious about reforming our juvenile correctional system."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Lincoln Hills Federal Court Ruling
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Lincoln Hills Federal Court Ruling

"The crisis at Lincoln Hills affecting children, families, and workers has gone on for far too long under the neglectful watch of Gov. Walker’s administration."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Verdict in Fatal Shooting of Sylville Smith
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Verdict in Fatal Shooting of Sylville Smith

"Today, I urge Milwaukee to support Sylville’s family by remembering his life through peaceful, non-violent acts that strengthen our community."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting

"My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to those injured and affected by the tragic act of violence this morning."

Op Ed: Dayton Opposes Walker Approach
Op Ed

Dayton Opposes Walker Approach

Gov. Walker killed paid sick days. Gov. Dayton of Minnesota won’t.

Wisconsin Republicans Remove Child Labor Protections
Press Release

Wisconsin Republicans Remove Child Labor Protections

"This legislation effectively prioritizes cheap child labor over parental oversight and positive outcomes for our youth."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson’s Juvenile Justice Reform Moves Forward
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson’s Juvenile Justice Reform Moves Forward

2017 Senate Bill 35 was overwhelmingly approved by the full Wisconsin State Senate.

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Urges Walker Not to Punish Wisconsin Children and Families in Need
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Urges Walker Not to Punish Wisconsin Children and Families in Need

“We must treat people with dignity and respect and provide them with real opportunities if we actually want to improve crisis-level poverty in Wisconsin...”

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Appointed to Wisconsin Center District Board
Press Release

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Appointed to Wisconsin Center District Board

"I look forward to working with members of the board and stakeholders throughout the community to strengthen Milwaukee's economy, workers, and neighborhoods."

Sen. Johnson Statement on State of the State Address
Press Release

Sen. Johnson Statement on State of the State Address

“The absence of any mention of Milwaukee in Gov. Walker’s State of the State speech speaks volumes to the absence of his leadership on the real problems our communities face every day.”

LaTonya Johnson Sworn in as Wisconsin State Senator
Press Release

LaTonya Johnson Sworn in as Wisconsin State Senator

Highlights vision for Wisconsin’s 6th Senate District, Announces committee assignments

Rep. Johnson & Rep. Goyke Joint Statement Regarding Events In Milwaukee
Press Release

Rep. Johnson & Rep. Goyke Joint Statement Regarding Events In Milwaukee

Together Rep. Goyke and Rep. Johnson pledge to continue to work together to help heal the community.

Community and Labor organizations endorse LaTonya Johnson for Senate
Press Release

Community and Labor organizations endorse LaTonya Johnson for Senate

“I am honored to have received the endorsements of the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association, Wisconsin Education Association Council, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, and Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals,” said LaTonya Johnson.

4 bills signed into law to promote healthy, safe adoptions in Wisconsin
Press Release

4 bills signed into law to promote healthy, safe adoptions in Wisconsin

The Adoption Protection Package focuses on crisis prevention, pre-adoptive training requirements, access to post-adoptive resources, and implements safeguards for children adopted from other states and countries.

New Law Grants CHIPS Protections to Child Trafficking Victims
Press Release

New Law Grants CHIPS Protections to Child Trafficking Victims

The law aligns Wisconsin with the federal Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act.

Rep. LaTonya Johnson Announces Endorsement of Mayor Tom Barrett
Press Release

Rep. LaTonya Johnson Announces Endorsement of Mayor Tom Barrett

“I wholeheartedly offer my support and endorsement of LaTonya Johnson’s candidacy for the 6th Senate District,” said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

LaTonya Johnson Announces Candidacy for State Senate
Press Release

LaTonya Johnson Announces Candidacy for State Senate

State Representative to run for Wisconsin’s 6th Senate District

Abortion-obsessed Republicans Choose Politics over Wisconsin Women’s Health
Press Release

Abortion-obsessed Republicans Choose Politics over Wisconsin Women’s Health

“Assembly Bill 310 recklessly jeopardizes health care access to the 336,000 Wisconsin women who are in need of affordable reproductive health care.”

Republicans Again Trying to Distract from Harmful Budget, Lagging Economy
Press Release

Republicans Again Trying to Distract from Harmful Budget, Lagging Economy

Rep. Johnson responds to GOP’s 20-week abortion ban bill