Content referencing Tom Evenson

Eyes on Milwaukee: Could Foxconn Build Plants Elsewhere in Wisconsin?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Could Foxconn Build Plants Elsewhere in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Valley director hints at possibility of fulfilling 13,000 jobs pledge at sites outside of Racine and Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Opposes Special Elections
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Opposes Special Elections

He's not serving the voters. He's serving his party.

The State of Politics: Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?
The State of Politics

Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?

Elections Commission, legislators, predict problems if staff not restored.

Murphy’s Law: The GOP Sales Tax Hypocrisy
Murphy’s Law

The GOP Sales Tax Hypocrisy

Favored Republican towns allowed to levy a local sales tax. But not Milwaukee.

Broken Whistle: Anti-Fraud Law’s Repeal Hurts Taxpayers
Broken Whistle

Anti-Fraud Law’s Repeal Hurts Taxpayers

State losing millions in federal settlements because Walker, GOP killed whistleblower law.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Dreadful Dilemma on Health Care
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Dreadful Dilemma on Health Care

Why is he so vague on Obamacare? Because its repeal could kill his reelection.

Murphy’s Law: The Worst Governor Ever For Workers?
Murphy’s Law

The Worst Governor Ever For Workers?

Six years later, Gov. Scott Walker’s impact on unions, worker rights and jobs.

The State of Politics: Will Walker Go Back to the Future?
The State of Politics

Will Walker Go Back to the Future?

He offered transportation-funding plan in 2011 that may get reconsideration.

Cruel and Unusual: Plan to Kill Parole Board Criticized
Cruel and Unusual

Plan to Kill Parole Board Criticized

Walker wants one person to make all decisions, plan called “cruel and inhumane.”

Back In the News: Walker Exports Union Busting
Back In the News

Walker Exports Union Busting

Governor advises Iowa legislators on bill to decimate unions.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Subsidizes The State
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Subsidizes The State

The city gets only 66 cents in state spending for every dollar in state taxes paid.

Murphy’s Law: An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression
Murphy’s Law

An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression

Experts say it's a massive problem in the state and may have swung election nationally.

Murphy’s Law: Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?
Murphy’s Law

Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?

Cap Times story on nursing home shows funding was diverted while care declined.

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

18 states require them, 85% of state residents support them, but Walker, GOP resist.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors

Walker’s office gets to choose the attorneys defending John Chisholm and company from a federal suit.

Murphy’s Law: Can Burke Beat Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Can Burke Beat Walker?

The 2014 campaign may depend on which candidate has the best story to tell.

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Federal bill could yield more than $70 million in annual sales tax for Wisconsin. Walker says he would use for income tax relief.

Walker Spent Almost $1 Million on Outside Counsel

Walker Spent Almost $1 Million on Outside Counsel

He's now ending pact with Michael Best firm, which advised on Act 10 legislation.

Choice Schools Leave Disabled Students Behind?

Choice Schools Leave Disabled Students Behind?

As voucher schools expand to more cities, critics complain they don't serve disabled students.

Murphy’s Law: Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons
Murphy’s Law

Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons

Why are Republicans pushing a bill opposed almost unanimously by criminal justice professionals?

Loading Up the Budget With Policy and Pork

Loading Up the Budget With Policy and Pork

In violation of his campaign promise, Walker's budget has 58 policy or non-monetary items and 15 pieces of pork.