Content referencing Paul F. Reilly

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Donations from mega-donors, political action committees funding attack ads.

Gov. Evers Appoints Lori Kornblum to the Court of Appeals District II
Gov. Evers Extends Deadline for Court of Appeals – District II
Court Watch: Appeals Court Nixes Judge’s Shaming Order
Court Watch

Appeals Court Nixes Judge’s Shaming Order

Shoplifter ordered to notify management of her conviction whenever entering a store.

Court Watch: Cops Can Use Lying, Trickery, Court Rules
Court Watch

Cops Can Use Lying, Trickery, Court Rules

Judges Gundrum, Neubauer approve police deceit to get confession from cognitively challenged man.

Court Watch: Appeals Court Expands Legal Searches
Court Watch

Appeals Court Expands Legal Searches

Suspected drunk driver's car can be searched for other drugs. Hagedorn joins ruling.

Data Wonk: Walker’s Plan to Break the Law
Data Wonk

Walker’s Plan to Break the Law

And why Attorney General Schimel didn’t warn him it was folly.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker’s Big Lie
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker’s Big Lie

Not doing special elections hasn’t saved money, it’s actually cost taxpayers. A lot.

Court Watch: Lifetime GPS Monitoring Is Legal
Court Watch

Lifetime GPS Monitoring Is Legal

State Appeals Court approves lifetime GPS device for former sex offender.

Court Watch: Man Charged for Childhood Crime
Court Watch

Man Charged for Childhood Crime

State Appeals Court okays adult felony charge for act committed at age nine.

Court Watch: How Appeals Court Failed in Dassey Case
Court Watch

How Appeals Court Failed in Dassey Case

Three state judges overruled by federal court allowed ugly miscarriage of justice in Dassey conviction.