
Content referencing Michael Joyce

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local

Much less money for Wisconsin, more board members from outside state.

Murphy’s Law: State Group Funds National Attack on DEI
Murphy’s Law

State Group Funds National Attack on DEI

The Searle Family Trust, based in Madison, has bankrolled many other right-wing causes.

Murphy’s Law: Inside the State’s Conservative Bubble
Murphy’s Law

Inside the State’s Conservative Bubble

The not-very-surprising views of Mike Nichols and the Badger Institute.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’

Research it helped fund demonized young Black males, leading to long prison sentences.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Spreads The Big Lie
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Spreads The Big Lie

Foundation gets ever more radical, using tax exempt funding to bankroll groups undermining democracy.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid

And reduce Medicaid. Working with Koch groups, they push Trump to slash safety net.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Breaking the Law?
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Breaking the Law?

Hacked files show foundation may violate ban on political activity.

Murphy’s Law: Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation
Murphy’s Law

Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation

Does foundation still support research on racial inferiority?

Murphy’s Law: Michael Grebe, Stealth Warrior
Murphy’s Law

Michael Grebe, Stealth Warrior

Is the Bradley Foundation CEO the real thinker behind Scott Walker’s policies?

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams

The author of school choice later became its opponent. Williams was controversial -- and misunderstood -- right to the end.

House Confidential: Mike Grebe’s Conservative Cudahy Condo
House Confidential

Mike Grebe’s Conservative Cudahy Condo

It's just a short walk from the Bradley Foundation, where Grebe battles daily to turn us all conservative.

Murphy’s Law: How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes

Sometime in the coming week, Gov. Scott McCallum will be meeting secretly with lobbyists in Minocqua, of all places, to discuss a plan to cut school spending and force property tax increases as a way to balance the state budget.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Mighty Economy Crushes Other Nations
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Mighty Economy Crushes Other Nations

Milwaukee has a new way to brag about itself.

Murphy’s Law: Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?
Murphy’s Law

Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?

With the resignation of Michael Joyce, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is looking for a new president.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.

Murphy’s Law: How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush
Murphy’s Law

How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush

The way Michael Joyce recalls it; he was watching his old friend William Bennett, the former secretary of education, on the Evans and Novak TV show one fine day.