Campaign Finance Reports

2021 - January Continuing - No Contributions

2019 - January Continuing - $2,779 - 39 contributions


Content referencing Marva Herndon

K-12 Education: New MPS Superintendent to Start Early
K-12 Education

New MPS Superintendent to Start Early

Brenda Cassellius will become superintendent on March 15, not July 1.

Board Approves Contract for New Superintendent
Press Release

Board Approves Contract for New Superintendent

Dr. Brenda Cassellius’ first day with MPS will be March 15

Judge Fines City For Failing To Comply With MPD in Schools Requirement

Judge Fines City For Failing To Comply With MPD in Schools Requirement

Judge Borowski gives city $1,000 per day fine until 25 police officers placed in schools.

Board Picks Three Finalists For MPS Superintendent

Board Picks Three Finalists For MPS Superintendent

They will be meeting with the community on Thursday, February 6.

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Welcomes New Board Member
Press Release

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Welcomes New Board Member

James M. Ferguson, II Takes Oath of Office to Represent District Four

Mayor Calls On MPS To Add Police, Fulfill Agreement

Mayor Calls On MPS To Add Police, Fulfill Agreement

Milwaukee schools have defied state law requiring district to put 25 police officers in city schools

MPS, Celebrating First Day of School, Announces Hiring of CFO
Press Release

MPS, Celebrating First Day of School, Announces Hiring of CFO

Gov. Evers, Sen. Baldwin, State Supt. Underly among dignitaries welcoming students back at South Division High School

Milwaukee School Board Recall Fails

Milwaukee School Board Recall Fails

Organizers fall far short of total signatures needed to trigger recall of four school board directors.

Who Is Funding Milwaukee School Board Recall?

Who Is Funding Milwaukee School Board Recall?

MPS Teachers Union files ethics complaint over 'anonymous donors' to recall efforts.

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Statement Regarding an Interim Superintendent of Schools
MPS Recall Organizers Say They’ve Collected 37,000 Signatures, More Needed

MPS Recall Organizers Say They’ve Collected 37,000 Signatures, More Needed

"Anonymous donors" paying for canvassers

Statement from the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Regarding an Interim Superintendent of Schools
Statement from the Milwaukee Board of School Directors After July 15, 2024, Special Meeting
MPS Could Lose $81 Million in State Aid

MPS Could Lose $81 Million in State Aid

Half of estimated loss due to state adjustment for school district's financial errors.

MPS Prioritizes Financial and Data Effectiveness as General Aid Estimate is Released
K-12 Education: Who Is Eduardo Galvan?
K-12 Education

Who Is Eduardo Galvan?

New MPS Acting Superintendent takes rudder of badly leaking ship.

Statement from the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Board Passes $1.5 Billion MPS Budget

Board Passes $1.5 Billion MPS Budget

Amid financial scandal and with interim superintendent not yet named, school board approves budget.

Statement from the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Recall Effort Launched Against Four MPS Board Members

Recall Effort Launched Against Four MPS Board Members

Recall organizers demand financial accountability, say they do not support privatization.

Documents Suggest MPS Financial Team Inexperienced, Understaffed

Documents Suggest MPS Financial Team Inexperienced, Understaffed

MPS hoping corrective action plan will release nearly $16 million in state funds.

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Announces Actions Related to Resolving District Finance Issues
Press Release

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Announces Actions Related to Resolving District Finance Issues

Today’s Submission of Corrective Action Plan Marks Milestone in Collaboration with State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

MPS Submits Missing Financial Information To State

MPS Submits Missing Financial Information To State

Board will first pick interim superintendent to replace Posley, then launch national search.

Rep. Myers: It is Evident that MPS Board is Part of the Problem
Alderman Calls For Delaying MPS Referendum Implementation

Alderman Calls For Delaying MPS Referendum Implementation

Scott Spiker wants MPS to delay increasing taxes as approved in spring referendum.

Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Resigns After Closed-Session Meeting

Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Resigns After Closed-Session Meeting

School district is in jeopardy of losing millions in state and federal dollars.

K-12: The Fall of a School Superintendent

The Fall of a School Superintendent

The inside story: Why MPS superintendent Keith Posley could be fired.

Embattled School Board Director Aisha Carr Resigns

Embattled School Board Director Aisha Carr Resigns

Carr has been a controversial school board director, and faced a potential disciplinary investigation.

K-12 Education: Milwaukee School Board May Investigate Board Member
K-12 Education

Milwaukee School Board May Investigate Board Member

Aisha Carr suspected of unethical conduct. Her supporters criticized the board.

Following Referendum, MPS Cuts Trauma Specialists in 53206 ZIP Code

Following Referendum, MPS Cuts Trauma Specialists in 53206 ZIP Code

Leaving only half of trauma specialists at schools in city's highest poverty area.

Lawsuit Charges MPS Principal Abused First Grader for Having Gay Parents

Lawsuit Charges MPS Principal Abused First Grader for Having Gay Parents

Milwaukee Public Schools administration, school board took no action, federal suit claims.

Campaign Wants You To “Vote Yes For MPS” On School Referendum

Campaign Wants You To “Vote Yes For MPS” On School Referendum

Group urges voters to support property tax increase for students.

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Authorizes Putting Referendum on the April 2024 Ballot
Press Release

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Authorizes Putting Referendum on the April 2024 Ballot

Like Other Districts Across Wisconsin, MPS Is Forced to Address Lack of Adequate State Funding

Milwaukee School Board Directs Administration to Gather Information for Possible Referendum
Press Release

Milwaukee School Board Directs Administration to Gather Information for Possible Referendum

MPS Joins Districts Across Wisconsin to Address Lack of Funding; Per Pupil Funding Has Not Kept Pace with Inflation Since 2009

GOP, RNC Leader Questioned Over No-Bid Contracts From Milwaukee Public Schools

GOP, RNC Leader Questioned Over No-Bid Contracts From Milwaukee Public Schools

Gerard Randall’s nonprofit received nearly $1.3 million from the district over the past decade. Leaders say he listed them as board officers without their knowledge.

MPS Promised Stipends For Bad Bus Service, Few Parents Received Them

MPS Promised Stipends For Bad Bus Service, Few Parents Received Them

The district did not distribute $500,000 and says problem fixed. Parents disagree.

Half of MPS Buildings Lack Air Conditioning

Half of MPS Buildings Lack Air Conditioning

Excessive heat has caused school closures and left students struggling to learn.

MPS Celebrates 5 Asphalt-To-Green Space Transformations

MPS Celebrates 5 Asphalt-To-Green Space Transformations

Leaders hold green ribbon cutting at Riley Dual Language Montessori School.

K-12 Education: MPS Struggles With Shrinking System
K-12 Education

MPS Struggles With Shrinking System

With less students and less money, how can MPS 'right-size' the district?

Teachers Union Wins Big in Milwaukee School Board Races

Teachers Union Wins Big in Milwaukee School Board Races

Board that once had conservative majority now overwhelmingly liberal.

2023 Spring Election: Milwaukee Election Results
2023 Spring Election

Milwaukee Election Results

Three open council seats, one municipal judge race, a county board primary and three school board races.

Vote Tuesday: School Board Candidates
Vote Tuesday

School Board Candidates

Three contested races, including a citywide race.

K-12 Education: State Data on Student Transfers Missing
K-12 Education

State Data on Student Transfers Missing

MPS suspects private schools push students out after getting them counted for state aid.

Sara Geenen Campaign Announces More Than 50 Endorsements From Judges & Elected Officials
MTEA Announces MPS School Board Endorsements
Three Contested Milwaukee School Board Seats On April Ballot

Three Contested Milwaukee School Board Seats On April Ballot

Plus: two uncontested races. Meet the candidates.

Missy Zombor Announces Candidacy for Milwaukee Board of School Directors Citywide Seat
Press Release

Missy Zombor Announces Candidacy for Milwaukee Board of School Directors Citywide Seat

Zombor is endorsed by School Board President and current Citywide Representative Bob Peterson

Mandela Barnes Earns Over 100 Endorsements from Wisconsin Elected Officials in Race for U.S. Senate
Press Release

Mandela Barnes Earns Over 100 Endorsements from Wisconsin Elected Officials in Race for U.S. Senate

Barnes Has Built an Unparalleled Statewide Coalition to Defeat Ron Johnson

Eighteen Milwaukee Local Elected Officials Endorse Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate
Underly Announces Transition Team

Underly Announces Transition Team

New state school superintendent promises “more offense, less defense."

Milwaukee Public Schools Welcomes New President and Newly Elected Members
Press Release

Milwaukee Public Schools Welcomes New President and Newly Elected Members

Bob Peterson will serve as Board Chair and Sequanna Taylor will serve as Vice President

Meet the District 4 School Board Candidates

Meet the District 4 School Board Candidates

Aisha Carr and Dana Kelley both have a flock of endorsements.

Meet the District 5 School Board Candidates

Meet the District 5 School Board Candidates

Alex Brower and Jilly Gokalgandhi compete to replace outgoing school board director Larry Miller.

Southeast Wisconsin Urban Educators Trust Jill Underly
Race and Income and ‘Back to School’

Race and Income and ‘Back to School’

Republicans decry virtual schooling for Black students. But Black families more likely to support it.

School Districts Battle Over In-Person Classes

Contribution to Alex Brower of $50

School Districts Battle Over In-Person Classes

School Districts Battle Over In-Person Classes

Parents push for this as health officials, teachers say state’s spiking pandemic makes this unsafe.

MPS Didn’t End Every Police Program

MPS Didn’t End Every Police Program

Three things to know about decision by Milwaukee School Board.

Op Ed: GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice
Op Ed

GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice

Republicans proclaim vouchers for minorities while seeking ways to disenfranchise their votes.

Public School Workers, Parents, Community Leaders to protest Betsy DeVos appearance at publicly funded private voucher school
Press Release

Public School Workers, Parents, Community Leaders to protest Betsy DeVos appearance at publicly funded private voucher school

"Betsy DeVos is waging war on public education and is working to make drastic cuts to after school programs, arts education, literacy development, community schools, foreign language education, the Special Olympics, and has proposed a $143 billion cut from federal student loans."

7 Numbers That Explain The Election

7 Numbers That Explain The Election

Neubauer did better yet worse than expected in Milwaukee, which decided statewide race.

Vote Tuesday: Candidates for Supreme Court, School Board
Vote Tuesday

Candidates for Supreme Court, School Board

Milwaukeeans will find at least three contested races on the ballot.

Wisconsin Working Families Party Congratulates Megan O’Halloran on Commanding Primary Victory in Distrcit 8 School Board Race
Press Release

Wisconsin Working Families Party Congratulates Megan O’Halloran on Commanding Primary Victory in Distrcit 8 School Board Race

O’Halloran garnered more than 65 percent of the vote in the three-way race and will face Kathryn Gabor in the spring election on Tuesday, April 2.

Milwaukee Area Labor Council MPS Board of Directors Endorsements
Press Release

Milwaukee Area Labor Council MPS Board of Directors Endorsements

The Milwaukee Area Labor Council has nearly 100 affiliated local unions representing approximately 25,000 workers in the metro Milwaukee area.

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Slate of Candidates for Milwaukee Board of School Directors to Create Strong Pro-Public School Majority
Press Release

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Slate of Candidates for Milwaukee Board of School Directors to Create Strong Pro-Public School Majority

Electing a school board to serve MPS students; strengthen and fund public education; fight back against ineffective charter programs

Marva Herndon Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $25

Marva Herndon Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors
Press Release

Marva Herndon Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Longtime Neighborhood Leader and Public School Activist Pledges Strong Support for MPS Students and Parents

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

Teachers union contends sweetheart rate charged; MPS officials deny this.

Data Wonk: Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?
Data Wonk

Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?

The data is encouraging. So why are some MPS leaders resistant?

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

They demand specifics; Demond Means denies he will “takeover” failing schools.

How Will Demond Means Change MPS?

How Will Demond Means Change MPS?

New "Recovery District" leader says tough decisions, more dollars needed.

CEO Pay Drives Inequality, Researcher Finds

CEO Pay Drives Inequality, Researcher Finds

Data on Milwaukee CEOs discussed at UWM summit on inequality.

MPS Board Will Reconsider Controversial Charter School

MPS Board Will Reconsider Controversial Charter School

School would be run by former head of Teach for America, but board is divided on the issue.