
Content referencing John McCain

Baldwin Enlists Constituents In Fight to Save Medicaid

Baldwin Enlists Constituents In Fight to Save Medicaid

Constituents sharing their personal Medicaid stories can help fight cuts, she says.

Data Wonk: Fact Checking Trump and Vance
Data Wonk

Fact Checking Trump and Vance

The data show they are lying about crime, the economy and health insurance coverage.

Sid McCain Hosts “Happy Hour for Harris” at Café Lulu in Bay View
Press Release

Sid McCain Hosts “Happy Hour for Harris” at Café Lulu in Bay View

Featuring Special Guests Jason Rae, Democratic National Committee Secretary and State Senator Chris Larson

Why Trump Voter Now Opposes Him

Why Trump Voter Now Opposes Him

Lori McCammon of Alma, Wisconsin, has recorded a video for Republican Voters Against Trump.

On The Heels of The Daily Show’s Runaway Success, Jon Stewart to Host LIVE Shows on Closing Nights of RNC and DNC
Data Wonk: Would Ranked-Choice Voting Reduce Partisanship?
Data Wonk

Would Ranked-Choice Voting Reduce Partisanship?

Alaska's experience offers fascinating lessons for those who care about democracy.

Obama Says Evers, Barnes Will ‘Fight For You’

Obama Says Evers, Barnes Will ‘Fight For You’

In Milwaukee former president warns future of democracy hinges on 2022 election.

The State of Politics: Primary Winners Rely on Certain Counties
The State of Politics

Primary Winners Rely on Certain Counties

Of state's 72 counties a small number provide majority of statewide vote.

Will Donors Punish Legislators Pushing Election Lies?

Will Donors Punish Legislators Pushing Election Lies?

Wisconsin Realtors says it will still back conspiracy theorist Rep. Janel Brandtjen.

Op Ed: GOP Obamacare Lawsuit a Cynical Political Stunt
Op Ed

GOP Obamacare Lawsuit a Cynical Political Stunt

U.S. Supreme Court strikes down suit. Meanwhile, Vos and and state GOP obstruct Medicaid expansion.

Op Ed: Republicans Support Medicaid Expansion
Op Ed

Republicans Support Medicaid Expansion

More and more do. Robin Vos could learn from them and from state’s history.

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Republican legislator’s bill mandates anthem played in all taxpayer-funded facilities in state.

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

Wisconsin has had two kinds of presidental elections. Which one this time?

Plenty of Horne: Sidney McCain Endorses Biden
Plenty of Horne

Sidney McCain Endorses Biden

Senator John McCain's daughter is WMSE promotions director, has lived here since 2017

Wisconsin’s Lousy Record for Women in Politics

Wisconsin’s Lousy Record for Women in Politics

Two politicos talk about getting more women in elected offices.

Republican Anti-Trump Ad Hits State

Republican Anti-Trump Ad Hits State

Meet the Lincoln Project, led by past members of GOP campaigns, administrations.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin’s Bipartisan Work Recognized by National Organization
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin’s Bipartisan Work Recognized by National Organization

The annual award recognizes Members of Congress committed to solving problems and developing sound policy for the American people.

Senator Baldwin to Pfizer: Why Does $11 Billion in Corporate Tax Breaks Result in Prescription Drug Price Hikes for Families?
New Marquette Law School Poll finds Evers, Baldwin with leads among Wisconsin voters
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Evers, Baldwin with leads among Wisconsin voters

Trump at 42 percent approval, voters divided on how he has changed GOP

Governor Walker Orders Flags to Half-Staff Honoring U.S. Senator John McCain
Press Release

Governor Walker Orders Flags to Half-Staff Honoring U.S. Senator John McCain

"John McCain was an American hero who selflessly served his country."

Glenn Grothman carries water for Trump as he puts political interests over national security
Press Release

Glenn Grothman carries water for Trump as he puts political interests over national security

Grothman criticizes Mueller investigation just weeks after 12 Russian agents indicted

Back in the News: George Will Blasts Paul Ryan
Back in the News

George Will Blasts Paul Ryan

Calls House Speaker Trump’s “poodle,” urges people to vote Democratic.

The State of Politics: Fall Election Could Be Fascinating
The State of Politics

Fall Election Could Be Fascinating

More contested seats, tough campaign tactics could make for tighter, intense races.

Baldwin Continues Demanding Action from Trump Administration to Hold Drug Companies Accountable for Massive Price Hikes
Op Ed: John McCain and Republican Values
Op Ed

John McCain and Republican Values

He’s a patriot and man of character. Contrast this to Trump, Vukmir and Nicholson.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on the Nomination of Gina Haspel for CIA Director
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on the Nomination of Gina Haspel for CIA Director

"I believe torture is immoral and I am deeply troubled this nominee would not say it is immoral at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing."

Op Ed: A New Low for Leah Vukmir?
Op Ed

A New Low for Leah Vukmir?

GOP candidate for Senate smears Sen.Baldwin, branding her a “terrorist.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Honored by Disabled American Veterans Organization with Senate Legislator of the Year Award
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Honored by Disabled American Veterans Organization with Senate Legislator of the Year Award

Senator Baldwin recognized for working to combat the opioid epidemic and fund critical veterans programs and services

U.S. Senators Baldwin and McCain to President Trump: Hold the Pharmaceutical Industry Accountable for Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Opposes Nomination of Alex Azar to be Health and Human Services Secretary
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Opposes Nomination of Alex Azar to be Health and Human Services Secretary

Trump Administration’s sabotage of the health care market has contributed to a 36 percent premium spike in Wisconsin.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation to Stabilize Health Insurance Market and Help Lower Costs for Wisconsin Families
Pocan Denounces Trump’s Attacks, Takes a Knee on the House Floor to Join Protesters in Solidarity
Press Release

Pocan Denounces Trump’s Attacks, Takes a Knee on the House Floor to Join Protesters in Solidarity

"Taking a knee is becoming a broader sign of patriotism and respect for our country, for a country that can be even greater for every one of its citizens."

Op Ed: Why I Support Medicare For All
Op Ed

Why I Support Medicare For All

Every American needs and deserves health coverage.

Murphy’s Law: Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate
Murphy’s Law

Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate

Or how to run for U.S. Senate in the land of scorched-earth politics.

Op Ed: Rojo Is a Trump-Style Loose Cannon
Op Ed

Rojo Is a Trump-Style Loose Cannon

Ron Johnson insults McCain, supports Trump’s reckless rhetoric on North Korea.

Senator Ron Johnson blames McCain’s brain tumor for “no” vote on GOP’s failed ACA repeal
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Allow Medicare to Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices and Lower Costs for Seniors
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Allow Medicare to Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices and Lower Costs for Seniors

Legislation would allow Medicare to negotiate the best possible price of prescription drugs, to cut costs for nearly 41 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D

In Resounding Victory for Women, Grassroots Power Defeats Trumpcare
Press Release

In Resounding Victory for Women, Grassroots Power Defeats Trumpcare

Planned Parenthood Grassroots Activists Refused to Let Bill Pass

The Dangers of the Senate Health Care Vote
Press Release

The Dangers of the Senate Health Care Vote

"The sad fact is that many Republican constituencies stand to be harmed by a repeal and ill-thought replacement bill as much as anyone else."

President Trump Signs Baldwin-Backed Bipartisan VA Accountability Reform Into Law
Senator Baldwin to Vice President Pence: Why Do You Want Washington to Make Wisconsin Families Pay More for Less Care?
Press Release

Senator Baldwin to Vice President Pence: Why Do You Want Washington to Make Wisconsin Families Pay More for Less Care?

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the House-passed American Health Care Act would cause premiums in the individual market to rise by an average of 20 percent next year

Bipartisan VA Accountability Reform Backed by Senator Baldwin Passes Senate
Press Release

Bipartisan VA Accountability Reform Backed by Senator Baldwin Passes Senate

The bipartisan legislation would reform the VA by better protecting whistleblowers and providing the VA Secretary with stronger measures to discipline and hold bad employees accountable.

Bipartisan VA Accountability Reform One Step Closer to Senate Passage
Press Release

Bipartisan VA Accountability Reform One Step Closer to Senate Passage

Committee on Veterans’ Affairs approves bipartisan legislation, now heads to full Senate for vote

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Overmedication and Combat Suicide Among Veterans
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Overmedication and Combat Suicide Among Veterans

An average of 20 veterans a day die from suicide, accounting for nearly a quarter of all deaths from suicide among U.S. adults

Senator Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group Urging Continued Broadband Deployment in Rural Communities
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group Urging Continued Broadband Deployment in Rural Communities

Millions of rural consumers are still not seeing widespread affordable standalone broadband services

Bipartisan Reform Supported by Senator Baldwin to Fix VA Choice Program Passes Congress
Press Release

Bipartisan Reform Supported by Senator Baldwin to Fix VA Choice Program Passes Congress

Legislation to help veterans get the quality care they deserve in their own communities set to become law

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Marco Rubio and U.S. Representatives Joe Crowley and Chris Smith Introduce the JUST Act to Help Holocaust Survivors and Families of Holocaust Victims
Baldwin and Bipartisan Group of Senators Highlight Need for Quality Health Care in Rural America
Press Release

Baldwin and Bipartisan Group of Senators Highlight Need for Quality Health Care in Rural America

More than 80 rural hospitals have closed in recent years.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?

House Republicans he oversaw used illegally hacked information from Russians.

Prices of Lifesaving Drugs Skyrocketing

Prices of Lifesaving Drugs Skyrocketing

Investigation finds seven widely prescribed drugs rose by 29% to 5241% in recent years!

Revenge of the Forgotten Class

Revenge of the Forgotten Class

Clinton and the Democrats wrote off white workers in Rust Belt states like Wisconsin.

Senators Have New Questions for Mylan About EpiPen Price Hike, Pricing Strategy
Press Release

Senators Have New Questions for Mylan About EpiPen Price Hike, Pricing Strategy

Company's previous response left unanswered questions about EpiPen pricing impact on consumers, taxpayers, and insurance premiums

Wisconsin Republicans Abandon Veterans
Press Release

Wisconsin Republicans Abandon Veterans

Attacks on military families and problems at King nursing home piling up

Will Sen. Johnson Stay Silent After Trump Insults Veterans Suffering from PTSD?
Press Release

Will Sen. Johnson Stay Silent After Trump Insults Veterans Suffering from PTSD?

Rather than condemn Trump, Sen. Johnson has condoned him over and over again.

Baldwin, McCain, Schakowsky Introduce Reform Requiring Transparency in Prescription Drug Price Increases
Press Release

Baldwin, McCain, Schakowsky Introduce Reform Requiring Transparency in Prescription Drug Price Increases

The bipartisan and bicameral FAIR Drug Pricing Act takes the first step to address skyrocketing prescription drug costs

Pick A Line. Any Line. Donald Trump Has Crossed It.
Press Release

Pick A Line. Any Line. Donald Trump Has Crossed It.

Donald Trump has crossed every line there is - except, apparently, Paul Ryan’s line.

Comedy: Oh, You Stupid Intelligent People

Oh, You Stupid Intelligent People

Bill Maher roasts everyone he can think of at his Riverside show.

A List of Donald Trump Comments That Didn’t ‘Cross the Line’ for Sen. Johnson
Press Release

A List of Donald Trump Comments That Didn’t ‘Cross the Line’ for Sen. Johnson

Given that Ron Johnson enthusiastically supports Donald Trump, let’s take a look at all of Trump’s comments and campaign promises that clearly didn’t ‘cross a line for Ron Johnson

The State of Politics: Can Challenger Defeat Paul Ryan?
The State of Politics

Can Challenger Defeat Paul Ryan?

Delavan businessman Paul Nehlen has Sarah Palin’s backing in bid for Ryan’s congressional seat.

The State of Politics: Why Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary Matters
The State of Politics

Why Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary Matters

It’s a classic swing state that has usually voted for the winner.

Riemer’s Bill Would Welcome Syrian Refugees

Riemer’s Bill Would Welcome Syrian Refugees

Despite opposition from Republicans, Milwaukee lawmaker still pushing idea.

Plenty of Horne: Tommy Thompson to Graze Through Iowa
Plenty of Horne

Tommy Thompson to Graze Through Iowa

Thompson will graze his way through the cornbelt, feasting at cookouts, pizza parties, restaurants, and even participating in an ice cream social, that pinnacle of Iowan hospitality.