Pocan Statement Regarding Reports that Russian-Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Wisconsin
"We must ensure the widespread Russian hacking and interference in the 2016 election never happens again."
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02) today released the following statement regarding news that Russian-linked Facebook ads targeted Wisconsin during the 2016 Election.
“Russia’s interference with our national elections hit home when we found out that Russian backed interest groups bought ads in specifically targeted to Wisconsin. These ads underscore the lengths to which Russia went to meddle in our electoral process and going forward, we must work to strengthen and protect our democratic institutions from these attacks. We must also continue to support Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation to get to the bottom regarding whether or not there was collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government. With the 2018 elections just over a year away, we need to know the full scope of this foreign interference and how to prevent it.
“We must ensure the widespread Russian hacking and interference in the 2016 election never happens again. Congress should immediately bring the Securing America’s Future Elections Act, legislation I introduced earlier this year, to the House Floor for a vote so that we can secure our electoral process from start to finish.”
Earlier this year, Pocan introduced the Securing America’s Future Elections (SAFE) Act, legislation that would safeguard U.S. elections from future foreign cyber-attacks and interference by permanently classifying the integrity and security of elections as a key component of critical infrastructure.
This important classification would place elections systems in the same category as other critical infrastructure including the power grid, the banking system, and other utilities. The SAFE Act also addresses election standards to protect against cyber-threats, better voting machines that provide paper ballots, and random audits of ballots to thwart interference.
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
More about the Russian Affair
- Op Ed: Is Walker a Russian Dupe? - Bill Kaplan - Jul 24th, 2018
- Gov. Scott Walker Political Operation Snagged $250,000 Check Mere Days After Meeting With Accused Russian Spy - One Wisconsin Now - Jul 20th, 2018
- What’s Walker Hiding? - Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Jul 18th, 2018
- Campaign Cash: Russian Operative Highlights Walker’s NRA Ties - Wisconsin Democracy Campaign - Jul 18th, 2018
- Matt Flynn Blasts Scott Walker for Meeting with Russian Spy - Matt Flynn - Jul 16th, 2018
- Plenty of Horne: Giuliani Can’t Practice Law in D.C. - Michael Horne - Jun 28th, 2018
- Pocan Statement Regarding Reports that Russian-Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Wisconsin - U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan - Oct 4th, 2017
- Wisconsin Notified of Unsuccessful Russian Hacking Attempt - Wisconsin Elections Commission - Sep 22nd, 2017
- Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin A Key State for Russian Hacking - Bruce Murphy - Aug 8th, 2017
- Report Suggests Wisconsin Voters Targeted by Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russian Fake News Operation - One Wisconsin Now - Jul 13th, 2017
Read more about Russian Affair here
Mentioned in This Press Release
Recent Press Releases by U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan
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We do not need any other country getting into our elections. We do know that Trump had nothing to do with the Russia but Podesta/Hillary were deeply involved around the Globe.
Finally we spent about 3 billion on elections, a relatively small amount, compared to the whole economy.
As RFK said: ” we spend more on chewing gum than on elections”.
But the fact is that the Russian spending was pittance and did not change anything that no one can tell either way.
If they wanted Trump to win? Why? It sure backfired cause he has been tough on them.
Trump has been tough on Russia? You must not read much. Putin just yesterday was raving about all his friends in government in the United States. He’s not exactly shaking in his boots. That is why they wanted him to win. Even my toddler knows that. He’s much smarter than you.
Two weeks ago, Feds said that Russkies targeted our voting machines, then they retracted, then someone else said they are doing this? Do not believe all this crap only the most naive beleives this Fake news.