U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Invest $45 Billion to Address Opioid Cris
Senators call on President Trump to support the legislation, join in strengthening local prevention, treatment and recovery efforts
Oct 25th, 2017 by U.S. Sen. Tammy BaldwinWaukesha County Sheriff Applies To Have Deputies Become Part of Trump’s Immigration Force
This is not the first time the Waukesha County Sheriff has sought to participate in the 287(g) program.
Oct 25th, 2017 by American Civil Liberties Union of WisconsinWalker jobs agency leaves taxpayers in the dark
"Gov. Walker’s jobs agency continues to demonstrate its inability to manage the largest taxpayer-funded giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history."
Oct 25th, 2017 by State Sen. Jennifer ShillingGovernor Walker Announces DNR Forestry Headquarters Move to Rhinelander
The Chief State Forester will move to the DNR-owned facility north of Highway 29 by January 1, 2018.
Oct 25th, 2017 by Gov. Scott WalkerYouth Council to hear agencies’ funding requests for city youth programming
The Youth Council has a total of $99,845 in CDBG reprogramming funds available for allocation.
Oct 25th, 2017 by City of Milwaukee Youth CouncilEddie Palmieri Benefit Concert for Mexico and Puerto Rico Disaster Relief
Advance concert tickets are $40, and VIP packages are $150.
Oct 25th, 2017 by Common Council President Jose PerezCross Plains Gun Store Burglary Leads to Introduction of Gun Store Anti-Theft Legislation
"The legislation I am introducing today will make it harder for criminals to get their hands dangerous weapons..."
Oct 25th, 2017 by State Rep. Lisa SubeckKhary Penebaker Endorses Sparkle Ashley
"I look forward to meeting his expectations, and working with him to improve Wisconsin."
Oct 25th, 2017 by Sparkle AshleyAs Transparent as Trump with his Tax Return
"The WEDC has been the kid left in the candy store after it closed."
Oct 24th, 2017 by State Rep. Jimmy AndersonWEDC Audit Poses New Concerns on Foxconn Deal
"WEDC’s track record of mismanagement and secrecy is troubling."
Oct 24th, 2017 by State Sen. Lena TaylorAudit of Walker jobs agency intensifies Foxconn concerns
Troubled jobs agency remains unable to verify job numbers
Oct 24th, 2017 by State Sen. Jennifer ShillingKeller Williams – Milwaukee North Shore expands again with addition of Gallagher Kies & Company
Gallagher Kies & Company will be led by Founder Molly Gallagher and include Eileen Nelson, Julie Bulgrin and Maggie Drane.
Oct 24th, 2017 by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.