Honorable Thomas Hruz, Wisconsin Court of Appeals District III.

Content referencing Thomas Hruz

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

Led by Republican fat cats Richard Uihlein, John Menard. Cost of state appeals court races up 700%.

Loudenslager’s Grassroots Campaign Collects 160 Signatures in His Hometown Over the Weekend; While Judicial Opponents Have Recent—and Current—Connections to the Politically Connected and Wealthy
Appeals Court Blocks State Restaurant, Bar Rules

Appeals Court Blocks State Restaurant, Bar Rules

Court says appeal against Evers’ restrictions by Tavern League will likely succeed.

The State of Politics: WILL Judge Shops To Kill Mask Mandate
The State of Politics

WILL Judge Shops To Kill Mask Mandate

Conservative group files suit in Polk County, where both judges were appointed by Scott Walker.

Appeals Court Sides with Evers on Appointees

Appeals Court Sides with Evers on Appointees

Judges rule Evers did not violate court order when he rescinded Walker's appointments.

Court Watch: Can Juveniles Get Life Without Parole?
Court Watch

Can Juveniles Get Life Without Parole?

Appeals Court asks State Supreme Court to decide if that’s constitutional.

Governor Walker Announces Finalists for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Finalists for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Governor Walker will now interview the three finalists and make his selection prior to Justice Prosser’s retirement.