Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism

Walker Spent Almost $1 Million on Outside Counsel

Walker Spent Almost $1 Million on Outside Counsel

He's now ending pact with Michael Best firm, which advised on Act 10 legislation.

State Declines Federal Aid for Disabled

State Declines Federal Aid for Disabled

Disabled lack jobs and employment services as a result

Feingold’s Progressive Front

Feingold’s Progressive Front

His Progressives United group gives more than $1 million to political candidates.

Mining Company Uses Paramilitary Guards

Mining Company Uses Paramilitary Guards

Gogebic says guards will continue patrolling land, two legislators object.

Choice Schools Leave Disabled Students Behind?

Choice Schools Leave Disabled Students Behind?

As voucher schools expand to more cities, critics complain they don't serve disabled students.

Fun With Budget Numbers

Fun With Budget Numbers

An insider's take on the state budget and how it was put together.

Public School Staff Hasn’t Declined

Public School Staff Hasn’t Declined

Despite state changes, Wisconsin schools held steady last year, but are down by 5,200 positions since 2009.

Legislators Blast UW Yet Again

Legislators Blast UW Yet Again

Legislators accuse officials of "flagrant violations" for continuing to use Internet service provider WiscNet.

How Schools Use Technology in a Crisis

How Schools Use Technology in a Crisis

More Wisconsin districts use text messages but vast majority of MPS parents aren't part of system.

An Attack on Student Journalism?

An Attack on Student Journalism?

What lesson does legislators attack on the Center for Investigative Journalism teach young journalists?

Did Public TV Censor Koch Film?

Did Public TV Censor Koch Film?

After David Koch withdrew his offer to donate to public TV, a public TV group withdrew support for documentary film about him.

Legislators’ Double Standard on Food Bans

Legislators’ Double Standard on Food Bans

One budget provision regulates how food stamps are spent and another prohibits local governments from any regulations on how food and beverages are sold.