
Op Ed: How to Follow the Transportation Debate
Op Ed

How to Follow the Transportation Debate

And why a real solution will probably never be reached.

Op Ed: Roads Debate Much Ado About Nothing
Op Ed

Roads Debate Much Ado About Nothing

Walker’s stance prevents any real debate about transportation budget.

Murphy’s Law: How Trucks Destroy Our Roads
Murphy’s Law

How Trucks Destroy Our Roads

And how a fee on trucks could solve state’s transportation problem.

Op Ed: Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax
Op Ed

Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax

So maybe Republicans should embrace it as a solution.

Campaign Cash: GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks
Campaign Cash

GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks

Trucking lobby opposes solution to transportation shortfall.

Impact of Bus Rapid Transit in Milwaukee

Impact of Bus Rapid Transit in Milwaukee

$48 million high-speed bus line projected to carry 10,000 riders daily by 2035.

MCTS One Of The Best In The U.S.

MCTS One Of The Best In The U.S.

Report ranks county transit system 13th in providing access to jobs. County considers growth options.

Biking: Vulnerable User Bill Moves Forward

Vulnerable User Bill Moves Forward

Includes tougher sanctions against motorists who hit bicyclists, pedestrians.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Give Your Input on BRT Project
Eyes on Milwaukee

Give Your Input on BRT Project

County will hold two open houses on Bus Rapid Transit line.

Road Map to an Aerotropolis

Road Map to an Aerotropolis

New plan released for municipalities near airport. Will they seize the future?

Biking: Blaming the Biking Victim

Blaming the Biking Victim

Driver kills biker on shoulder of road, driver’s attorney tries to blame the cyclist.

Op Ed: We Like Suburban Segregation
Op Ed

We Like Suburban Segregation

Governments have long enabled metro area's biases.