Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: “The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”
Murphy’s Law

“The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”

Chief Flynn say legislature’s “insane” concealed carry law causes crime and threatens police safety.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem

Boston gets all the attention in the movie ‘Spotlight’, but Milwaukee’s problem may be just as bad.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need More Police?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need More Police?

Mayoral candidate Bob Donovan thinks so. How does this city compare to others?

Murphy’s Law: Still Controversy Over Art Museum Addition
Murphy’s Law

Still Controversy Over Art Museum Addition

Journal Sentinel offers inaccurate account of how new addition got built. Here's the real story.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee

Protestors protested as Republican presidential candidates debated. So who won?

Murphy’s Law: How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin

Two Republican bills about to pass could make this a vassal state of wealthy special interests.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides
Murphy’s Law

Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides

Though his challenger for county exec, Chris Larson, is undecided on issue, it could still impact the race.

Murphy’s Law: How Schools Are Over-Testing Students
Murphy’s Law

How Schools Are Over-Testing Students

New study of big city schools, including Milwaukee, shows way too many standardized tests being given.

Murphy’s Law: The Revenge of Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

The Revenge of Scott Walker?

Law killing John Doe law assures no more such probes targeting him. But was reform needed?

Murphy’s Law: The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair
Murphy’s Law

The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair

Does one racial profiling incident prove this is America’s most hypersegregated city?

Murphy’s Law: Chris Larson’s War Against Abele
Murphy’s Law

Chris Larson’s War Against Abele

State senator running for county executive blasts Abele with personal attacks, will divide Democrats.

Murphy’s Law: How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel

New owners will drastically diminish the size and scope of state’s largest newspaper.