Real Estate

Op Ed: State Needs to Invest More In UWM
Op Ed

State Needs to Invest More In UWM

It’s critical to region’s economy. WOW county leaders should push for this.

Plenty of Horne: Oh, That New Zealand-Style Food Truck
Plenty of Horne

Oh, That New Zealand-Style Food Truck

Third Ward board mulls over a food truck. Plus: a plan to develop land under the freeway.

Celebrating the Sherman Park Neighborhood

Celebrating the Sherman Park Neighborhood

City Hall event mixes personal histories of residents, architectural history project and dance.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Downtown Has Added 11,450 Housing Units
Eyes on Milwaukee

Downtown Has Added 11,450 Housing Units

All under Barrett, all since 2004. But what about the rest of the city?

Murphy’s Law: City’s Evictions Far From Worst
Murphy’s Law

City’s Evictions Far From Worst

New data on evictions shows a huge national problem with lessons for Milwaukee.

100 New Home Projects for Midtown

100 New Home Projects for Midtown

Habitat plans 80 new home ownership projects and 20 renovations.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Multiple Tower Groundbreakings in 2018
Eyes on Milwaukee

Multiple Tower Groundbreakings in 2018

Couture, 1550 are in the works, but what about another lakefront tower?

More Good News for the Sherman Phoenix

More Good News for the Sherman Phoenix

New project in Sherman Park gains another grant. Abele predicts success.

Eyes on Milwaukee: New Home for Artists on Mitchell St.
Eyes on Milwaukee

New Home for Artists on Mitchell St.

Ryan Pattee will redevelop and lease building on 11th and Mitchell to artists and entrepreneurs.

Plats and Parcels: State Office Building Moving to Waukesha?
Plats and Parcels

State Office Building Moving to Waukesha?

Plus: Housing to replace billboards on Water Street.

Plenty of Horne: Streetcar Barn is Hopping
Plenty of Horne

Streetcar Barn is Hopping

Next week The Hop hits the streets of Milwaukee, today we take you inside the Operations and Maintenance Facility.

Friday Photos: Nine10 at Land Place
Friday Photos

Nine10 at Land Place

New apartment building rising on sleepy East Side street.