Public Safety

AG Kaul, Dem Lawmakers Push New Gun Laws

AG Kaul, Dem Lawmakers Push New Gun Laws

Say GOP legislators should pass expanded background checks, 'Red Flag' law.

Inside the Milwaukee Police Fusion Center

Inside the Milwaukee Police Fusion Center

Protesters have wondered what center is up to. The history and details of little-known unit.

300 Days of Black Lives Matters Protests

300 Days of Black Lives Matters Protests

March in Wauwatosa also marks second day of John Doe probe of Jay Anderson’s killing by police officer.

City Hall: Police Chief Search Loses a Top Candidate
City Hall

Police Chief Search Loses a Top Candidate

Malik Aziz will become police chief in Maryland. Will this benefit Acting Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman?

Analysis: Arrested at 14, Still in Jail at 40

Arrested at 14, Still in Jail at 40

Kenneth Gray has served 25 years for reckless homicide. Is that long enough?

Op Ed: Gun Owners for Gun Control
Op Ed

Gun Owners for Gun Control

72% of NRA members support expanded background checks.

Court Watch: County Criminal Pot Convictions Down 94% Since 2010
Court Watch

County Criminal Pot Convictions Down 94% Since 2010

But little change in rest of state, with huge racial gap in arrests, convictions.

City Hall: New Police Grant Approved With Little Scrutiny
City Hall

New Police Grant Approved With Little Scrutiny

Latest grant got two minutes of discussion, not months of meetings.

Jacob Blake Sues Kenosha Officer Who Shot Him

Jacob Blake Sues Kenosha Officer Who Shot Him

Blake files federal civil lawsuit after the Kenosha District Attorney declined to charge officer Rusten Sheskey.

State’s Incarcerated Population Drops During Pandemic

State’s Incarcerated Population Drops During Pandemic

Prisons and jails have more than one-third fewer inmates.

Tosa Police Chief Will Testify in New Mensah Case

Tosa Police Chief Will Testify in New Mensah Case

Jay Anderson's family asks judge to independently file charges.

MKE County: The County Sheriff’s New Drone Unit
MKE County

The County Sheriff’s New Drone Unit

Will be used for highway traffic safety — and for protests.