Restoration Hardware to Third Ward?
Architectural Review Board creates confusion. Plus: New beats for Journal Sentinel reporters.
Sep 23rd, 2015 by Michael HorneThe Fall of Scott Walker
Did the Club for Growth contribute to the rise of Donald Trump and the fall of Scott Walker?
Sep 23rd, 2015 by Bruce ThompsonNew Bucks Arena Approved
City completes final step of financing puzzle for new Bucks arena.
Sep 22nd, 2015 by Jeramey JanneneA New Model for Growing Jobs in Wisconsin
Plan would eliminate WEDC and consolidate economic development programs back into a state agency.
Sep 22nd, 2015 by Peter Barca and Julie LassaTammy Baldwin Tours Milwaukee Harbor
Senator Baldwin was promoting legislation to help communities develop revitalization plans for waterfronts.
Sep 22nd, 2015 by Graham KilmerStreet Closing on Arena Agenda
Murphy makes appointments to WCD board; City to retain naming rights for garage
Sep 21st, 2015 by Michael HorneNew Tax Auditors Target Out-Of-State Firms
Including many firms whose accounts have never been scrutinized before.
Sep 21st, 2015 by Steven WaltersJobs Lacking After State Subsidy of Kohl’s
After qualifying for up to $62.5 million in state taxpayer subsidies, the retail giant is falling short of creating jobs and making capital investments
Sep 21st, 2015 by Dee J. Hall and Tara Golshan, Wisconsin Center for Investigative JournalismWhy Was Cindy Archer Lawsuit Pursued?
It’s certainly not helping conservatives who filed it. Another John Doe mystery.
Sep 16th, 2015 by Bruce ThompsonWalker Should Compromise on Immigration
Business and farmers want immigrants. A middle ground solution is needed.
Sep 15th, 2015 by John TorinusHillary Clinton Comes to Town
UWM Union once again site of presidential candidate visit and a tribute to the late Art Elkon
Sep 11th, 2015 by Michael HorneThe Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning
The problem persists, with more impact on Milwaukee than many cities. Is there a solution?
Sep 10th, 2015 by Bruce Murphy