
Wisconsin Budget: Dream Act Immigrants Would Boost Economy
Wisconsin Budget

Dream Act Immigrants Would Boost Economy

State would grow by $600 million per year. Without it many farms would fail.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Jim Sullivan Will Head County Parks
Eyes on Milwaukee

Jim Sullivan Will Head County Parks

Former state senator is new parks director, will be assisted by Jim Tarantino.

Data Wonk: How Are Our Schools Doing?
Data Wonk

How Are Our Schools Doing?

Much worse than Chicago’s. And little difference between public and choice schools.

Op Ed: Let Professionals Run State Elections
Op Ed

Let Professionals Run State Elections

Partisan dismantling of non-partisan Elections Commission will hurt system, damage democracy.

Court Watch: Bill Suppresses Victim’s Mental Health Records
Court Watch

Bill Suppresses Victim’s Mental Health Records

Defendant couldn’t request, jury couldn’t see records unless victim allows it.

Murphy’s Law: 17 Biggest Mistakes by Brad Schimel
Murphy’s Law

17 Biggest Mistakes by Brad Schimel

Media feasting on problems in John Doe report. Here’s a scorecard of biggest goofs.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Ban On Contractors With Guns Passed
Eyes on Milwaukee

Ban On Contractors With Guns Passed

Common Council passes ban unanimously, and orders study of ending outside contracting.

Op Ed: Wetlands Destruction Bill Targets Water, Wildlife
Op Ed

Wetlands Destruction Bill Targets Water, Wildlife

Threatens 1,000,000 acres, opposed by hunting and fishing groups.

Op Ed: New Approach to Funding Schools Needed
Op Ed

New Approach to Funding Schools Needed

Blue Ribbon Commission studying the many problems with current approach.

Does Tax Plan Enrich Ron Johnson?

Does Tax Plan Enrich Ron Johnson?

And will changes senator championed help small businesses? A look at the numbers.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Embattled Company Leader Absent at Hearing
Eyes on Milwaukee

Embattled Company Leader Absent at Hearing

Head of company with gun, KKK issues, a no-show. Angry council members promise action.

The State of Politics: Judge Kelly Handed Doe Controversy
The State of Politics

Judge Kelly Handed Doe Controversy

Latest judge to handle John Doe must decide on contempt of court referrals.