
Campaign Cash: Evers Raised $3.8 Million in 2020
Campaign Cash

Evers Raised $3.8 Million in 2020

Raised more money in off-election year than Walker or Doyle.

Assembly Resists Senate COVID-19 Compromise

Assembly Resists Senate COVID-19 Compromise

Bill showed Senate Republicans too willing to 'cave into the governor,' Vos charges.

Senate Votes to Kill State Mask Mandate

Senate Votes to Kill State Mask Mandate

State Assembly will likely vote on repeal later this week.

Thompson Warned, Don’t Hike UW Tuition

Thompson Warned, Don’t Hike UW Tuition

System's tuitions frozen since 2013. Lawmakers warn UW budget will go nowhere if there’s any hike.

Murphy’s Law: Poor Dan O’Donnell Feels Persecuted
Murphy’s Law

Poor Dan O’Donnell Feels Persecuted

Right-wing radio host claims his free speech being abridged. Really?

School Boards Debate Racial Mascots

School Boards Debate Racial Mascots

Tough talk, but Wisconsin Association of School Boards passes watered down resolution.

Court Watch: Criminal Record Expungement Bill Is Back
Court Watch

Criminal Record Expungement Bill Is Back

Bipartisan bill pushed by Rep. Evan Goyke nearly passed in last session.

Do State Election Laws Need Reform?

Do State Election Laws Need Reform?

After months of Trump’s false claims, legislators still squabbling, but a bipartisan bill is possible.

Vel Phillips Capitol Statue Moves Forward

Vel Phillips Capitol Statue Moves Forward

State committee advances plan to honor Milwaukee civil rights pioneer.

When Will Unemployment Benefits Arrive?

When Will Unemployment Benefits Arrive?

Federal pandemic package includes 11 weeks of aid, but when will state DWD process them?

Op Ed: Beware of GOP Voting Restrictions
Op Ed

Beware of GOP Voting Restrictions

Republican legislators are floating plans to make if harder for some people to vote.

The State of Politics: Pandemic Worsens State’s Broadband Gap
The State of Politics

Pandemic Worsens State’s Broadband Gap

Rural areas and urban poor left out. Evers calls 2021 the "Year of Broadband Access."