
The State of Politics: Pandemic Jobless Benefits Meant ‘Less Stress.’
The State of Politics

Pandemic Jobless Benefits Meant ‘Less Stress.’

An average worker talks about importance of pandemic benefits for unemployed.

Op Ed: Who Should We Honor on Memorial Day?
Op Ed

Who Should We Honor on Memorial Day?

The true cost of our wars is rarely considered.

Op Ed: GOP Is The Pain-and-Suffering Party
Op Ed

GOP Is The Pain-and-Suffering Party

Led by Robin Vos, Republicans repeatedly back policies causing poverty, sickness and death.

Op Ed: The Hard Left Is Afraid of Ideas
Op Ed

The Hard Left Is Afraid of Ideas

Demand that Mike Pence’s book not be published the latest of many such examples.

Village Paid Foxconn Project Manager Nearly $1 Million

Village Paid Foxconn Project Manager Nearly $1 Million

Private contractor billed Mount Pleasant for $973,750 and has just gotten a raise.

Op Ed: Paul Ryan Displays Courage
Op Ed

Paul Ryan Displays Courage

Warns against fealty to Trump, whose backers are already attacking Ryan.

People’s Revolution Marks One Year of Marches

People’s Revolution Marks One Year of Marches

Group’s members vow to continue pushing for change.

Op Ed: PRO Act Is Key to American Dream
Op Ed

PRO Act Is Key to American Dream

Biden’s proposed Protecting the Right to Organize Act would protect union rights.

Republicans Slash Evers Education Budget

Republicans Slash Evers Education Budget

Reduction in spending could mean state loses $1.5 billion in federal pandemic relief funding for education.

GOP Budget Lifts UW Tuition Freeze

GOP Budget Lifts UW Tuition Freeze

Committee votes to end tuition freeze on undergraduate students maintained for 8 years.

Campaign Cash: State Donors Gave $4.4 Million to Outside Smear Groups
Campaign Cash

State Donors Gave $4.4 Million to Outside Smear Groups

Two-thirds of money donated in 2020 went to Democratic-leaning groups.

Evers Credited for Budget Surplus

Evers Credited for Budget Surplus

Federal stimulus money, new Foxconn contract, Evers call for state agency cuts all credited by nonpartisan analysis.