Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides
Murphy’s Law

Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides

Though his challenger for county exec, Chris Larson, is undecided on issue, it could still impact the race.

Murphy’s Law: How Schools Are Over-Testing Students
Murphy’s Law

How Schools Are Over-Testing Students

New study of big city schools, including Milwaukee, shows way too many standardized tests being given.

Murphy’s Law: The Revenge of Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

The Revenge of Scott Walker?

Law killing John Doe law assures no more such probes targeting him. But was reform needed?

Murphy’s Law: The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair
Murphy’s Law

The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair

Does one racial profiling incident prove this is America’s most hypersegregated city?

Murphy’s Law: Chris Larson’s War Against Abele
Murphy’s Law

Chris Larson’s War Against Abele

State senator running for county executive blasts Abele with personal attacks, will divide Democrats.

Murphy’s Law: How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel

New owners will drastically diminish the size and scope of state’s largest newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: The Republican Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

The Republican Spoils System

The bill to kill civil service aims to create a one-party government, from top to bottom.

Murphy’s Law: The Walker Campaign “Scandal”
Murphy’s Law

The Walker Campaign “Scandal”

Something went wrong. And everyone’s blaming campaign manager Rick Wiley. Why?

Murphy’s Law: 8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed
Murphy’s Law

8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed

Media analysts nationally have mostly missed the real story.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee, the Land of Duplexes
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee, the Land of Duplexes

City is a national leader, which helps explain its surprising strength: density.

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning

The problem persists, with more impact on Milwaukee than many cities. Is there a solution?

Murphy’s Law: The Meltdown of Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Meltdown of Scott Walker

Onetime frontrunner for Iowa primary is “finished,” most covering presidential campaign say.