
City Hall: Milwaukee on 70-Year Pace To Replace Lead Laterals
City Hall

Milwaukee on 70-Year Pace To Replace Lead Laterals

What will the city do for property owners that want to voluntarily replace their laterals?

Evers Addresses COVID-19 in Wisconsin

Evers Addresses COVID-19 in Wisconsin

Governor declares state of emergency, urges closure of large events.

Universities Make Changes in Face of COVID-19

Universities Make Changes in Face of COVID-19

Many campuses are going to remote classes and are asking students not to return from Spring Break.

State’s Election Clerks Prepare for COVID-19

State’s Election Clerks Prepare for COVID-19

Officials plan for worker shortages, potential polling place closures.

UWM Employee Tested for Coronavirus

UWM Employee Tested for Coronavirus

University extending spring break a week, transitioning to online courses.

Survey Shows Support for Health Care Changes

Survey Shows Support for Health Care Changes

4 of 5 respondents in state survey worry they won’t be able to afford health care in the future.

Wisconsin Ginseng Festival Cancelled

Wisconsin Ginseng Festival Cancelled

Coronavirus cited for cancelling Wausau event that attracts 2,000 international visitors.

Murphy’s Law: Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News
Murphy’s Law

Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News

Expect skyrocketing costs, poorer care, and bigger salaries for fat cat executives.

Coronavirus Could Hit State Economy Harder

Coronavirus Could Hit State Economy Harder

Wisconsin more dependent on trade than most states, could face bigger downturn.

Coronavirus Likely to Hit Milwaukee, Officials Say

Coronavirus Likely to Hit Milwaukee, Officials Say

Health Department officials are planning for response to outbreak.

Supreme Court Case Could Affect Abortion Access in Wisconsin

Supreme Court Case Could Affect Abortion Access in Wisconsin

The High Court weighs case that could effectively overturn Roe v. Wade.

Op Ed: Coronavirus and Candor
Op Ed

Coronavirus and Candor

While some Republican push Trump for action, Ron Johnson lets administration officials testify behind closed doors.