Related Articles - Page 11

Eyes on Milwaukee: $350,000 Grant Funds Art Corridors
Eyes on Milwaukee

$350,000 Grant Funds Art Corridors

GMC lands grant from ArtPlace America to create artistic corridors in Riverwest and Harambee and on West Wisconsin Ave.

House Confidential: Julia Taylor’s East Side Chateau
House Confidential

Julia Taylor’s East Side Chateau

The GMC leader lives in a home long occupied and greatly modified -- with lots of plumbing! -- by Fred and Joan Kessler.

Newaukeean of the Week: Danya Strait
Newaukeean of the Week

Danya Strait

After stops in Madison and Atlanta, Strait realized that Milwaukee is where she wants to be.

Murphy’s Law: County Board Violates Its Own Law
Murphy’s Law

County Board Violates Its Own Law

Lobbyists have worked without board approval, which could be a cause for “discharge” of board chair Dimitrivjevic.

Murphy’s Law: Bill to Cut Supervisor Pay Likely
Murphy’s Law

Bill to Cut Supervisor Pay Likely

Despite Republican delays and opposition by the board, the bill has a good chance of passage.

Murphy’s Law: Women Need Not Apply
Murphy’s Law

Women Need Not Apply

Led by MGIC, seven of Wisconsin’s top companies are men’s clubs, with no women in the executive suite.

The Roundup: Marsupial Bridge Update
The Roundup

Marsupial Bridge Update

The concrete walkway of the Holton Marsupial Bridge will be poured beginning today.

The Roundup: McGee’s Folly
The Roundup

McGee’s Folly

If you want to get a chuckle and a “no comment” out of a Milwaukee alderman these days, just tell him that Ald. Michael McGee, Jr. “certainly has a way with words.”

The Roundup: Riemer: “Ready to Run”
The Roundup

Riemer: “Ready to Run”

This terse note from Riemer almost sounds like a Bill Christofferson soundbite, which means it's a good one.

The Roundup: Tower De Force
The Roundup

Tower De Force

Mandel’s Groundbreaking High Rise

The Roundup: Art Jones Pension better than $100K per year
The Roundup

Art Jones Pension better than $100K per year

Two other Mayoral candidates eligible soon

Murphy’s Law: The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center
Murphy’s Law

The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center

The "negotiations" by the Bradley Center and the Wisconsin Center District have begun to resemble the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys.

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