Related Articles - Page 12

Murphy’s Law: Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?
Murphy’s Law

Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?

Not long after arriving in town, new MATC president Darnell Cole called Greater Milwaukee Committee President Bob Milbourne and asked to meet.

Murphy’s Law: Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys
Murphy’s Law

Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys

It was a mere three years ago that the Midwest Express Center opened, as a state-of-the-art solution to the city's convention needs.

Murphy’s Law: How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes

Everybody knows the Milwaukee Bucks are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?
Murphy’s Law

Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?

Some months ago the state Department of Transportation announced a plan for rebuilding the mammoth Marquette Interchange that did not include any exits or entrances at Plankinton Avenue

Murphy’s Law: Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?
Murphy’s Law

Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?

With the resignation of Michael Joyce, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is looking for a new president.

Murphy’s Law: Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller
Murphy’s Law

Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller

State budget deliberations are a time for mischief making, and state Sen. Gary George (D-Milwaukee) has always had a reputation for quietly slipping pet proposals into this biennial document.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks

Wisconsin is supposed to be suffering from a brain drain, and southeast Wisconsin is said to lack the kind of high technology industries you find in a research park.

Murphy’s Law: Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community
Murphy’s Law

Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community

The Greater Milwaukee Committee thinks it's found a way to get more revenue for the Milwaukee Bucks.

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