Building Info

- Address: 923 E. Kilbourn Ave.
- Taxkeys: 3922622000, 3922623000, 3922624000, 3922625000, 3922626000, 3922627000, 3922628000, 3922629000, 3922630000, 3922631000, 3922632000, 3922633000, 3922634000, 3922635000, 3922636000, 3922637000, 3922638000, 3922639000, 3922640000, 3922641000, 3922642000, 3922643000, 3922644000, 3922645000, 3922646000, 3922647000, 3922648000, 3922649000, 3922650000, 3922651000, 3922652000, 3922653000, 3922654000, 3922655000, 3922656000, 3922657000, 3922658000, 3922659000, 3922660000, 3922661000, 3922662000, 3922663000, 3922664000, 3922665000, 3922666000, 3922667000, 3922668000, 3922669000, 3922670000, 3922671000, 3922672000, 3922673000, 3922674000, 3922675000, 3922676000, 3922677000, 3922678000, 3922679000, 3922680000, 3922681000, 3922682000, 3922683000, 3922684000, 3922685000, 3922686000, 3922687100, 3922689000, 3922690000, 3922691000, 3922692000, 3922693000, 3922694000, 3922695000, 3922621000
- Status:
- Assessed Value (Land): $2,400,800
- Assessed Value (Improvements): $76,516,500
- Assessed Value (Total): $78,917,300
- Assesment Year: 2023
- Year Built:
Originally started by New Land Enterprises and then turned over to Fiduciary Real Estate Development mid-development.
Content referencing Kilbourn Tower
University Club Milwaukee, $2,728,500
With quite a history. But now that it's closing, what can be done with the building?
Dec 25th, 2023 by Michael HorneNew Harvard Design School Leader a Longtime Local Architect
Grace La's enduring impact on Milwaukee includes Marsupial Bridge and Kilbourn Tower.
Apr 24th, 2023 by Jeramey JanneneJuneau Village Adding Amenity Building
Project will overhaul pool, replace courtyard with new building boasting modern tenant features.
Feb 22nd, 2023 by Jeramey JanneneMilwaukee’s Most Valuable Condominiums
Downtown residential high rises are among the city's most valuable buildings.
Jan 14th, 2021 by Jeramey JanneneMilwaukee Bucks Name Mortenson as Construction Manager for New Arena
Midwest-headquartered firm an industry-leader in sports construction and visible part of the Milwaukee community for over 30 years
Mar 21st, 2016 by Milwaukee BucksMilwaukee Construction Cost Index
Mortenson Releases Construction Cost Index Report
Feb 5th, 2016 by Mortenson ConstructionMortenson Construction Enters Energy Storage Market
Global utility-scale, grid-connected battery storage is forecasted to grow to 12 GW by 2024 according to a recent industry study.
Dec 9th, 2015 by Mortenson ConstructionMarc Lasry, Jason Kidd confirmed as guests at Hillary Clinton fundraiser; event was at U Club
Sep 11th, 2015 - The Milwaukee Business Journal - Rich KirchenBen Goetter Promoted to Mortenson Construction’s Director of Business Development
He has consistently distinguished himself as a leader whom customers both trust and admire.
Sep 4th, 2015 by Mortenson ConstructionMortenson Construction Announces Team Member Promotions
Mortenson Construction is pleased to announce the promotions of Jeff Gruhn, Doug Heinrich, Mike Gleeson, Angela Brzowski, Kurt Theune, and Steve Resset.
Sep 4th, 2015 by Mortenson ConstructionMortenson Construction Announces Team Member Promotions
Mortenson Construction is pleased to announce the promotions of Jeff Curtis, Angie Helfert, Andy Johnson, Jake Maliszewski, Justin Molitor, Roberta Oldenburg, and Mark Schulz.
Jul 27th, 2015 by Mortenson ConstructionMortenson Construction Announces Team Member Additions
Mortenson Construction is pleased to announce the additions of Tyler Johnson, Kevin Kendellen, Neris Sandoval, Brian Tobiczyk, and John Wagner to its Milwaukee operations.
Jul 27th, 2015 by Mortenson ConstructionIs O’Donnell Purchase a Sweetheart Deal?
Northwestern Mutual won’t sign full deed restriction for county deal, leaving it free to develop a high-rise development on lakefront land.
Nov 25th, 2014 by Bruce MurphyThe Tragedy of O’Donnell Park
The proposed sale to NML suggests the city has yet to learn from its folly in building this eyesore.
Oct 30th, 2014 by Bruce MurphyMaclovio Vega
"I remember when downtown Milwaukee didn't exist. Buildings such as the Calatrava and University Tower are creating a unique skyline."
Sep 29th, 2014 by NewaukeeGet Your Vote On
Early voting already underway for spring election, and memorials planned for Debra Usinger and Donna Schlieman.
Mar 26th, 2014 by Michael HorneRyan Braun’s High-Rise Home Base
His 21st floor downtown condo is pricey, but dirt cheap compared to his second home in Malibu.
May 24th, 2013 by Michael HorneBrandon Jennings’ Very Moderne Digs
Bucks guard is on 25th floor of The Moderne, right by Bradley Center and a floor above Monta Ellis.
Nov 16th, 2012 by Michael HorneParks Plan Has Problems
Cathedral Square / Juneau Park plan created with little public discussion and no design competition.
Sep 7th, 2012 by Jeramey JanneneAuthentic Identity
Enhancing Milwaukee’s identity is an elusive endeavor. A city can both make and be given an identity. Some recent town center developments have tried to create identity with one massive all encompassing project.
Apr 11th, 2010 by Matthew TrussoniCommon Council Allocates Funds for Low-income Housing Development
Resolution 080196 proposed requiring taverns with three or more criminal incidents within a years time frame to install security cameras that cover both the interior and exterior of the establishment. Alderman Jim Bohl attempted to do his due diligence by asking a series of questions regarding enforcement, when it would go into effect, and the specific definition of a “criminal act”. He also pointed out that he normally doesn’t like the idea of cameras and “big brother” infringing on our freedoms but that “this legislation is well crafted” and he would support it. This resolution was approved and will now go before the Mayor. Resolution 080632 generated a long debate over the re-authorization of a $500,000 grant for the Truancy Abatement and Burglary Suppression (“TABS”) program. Alderman Bohl called this grant “marshmallow fluff” explaining that it had been funded for fifteen years and the truancy rate within Milwaukee Public Schools (“MPS”) has actually risen from 40% to 46%. The grant currently funds four police officers who in total find nineteen truant students a day, which represent a mere .0025% of the absences within MPS. Many council members agreed with the belief that this program wasn’t working and Alderman Jim Witkowiak went so far as to say that we “possibly we should consider not funding this anymore”. This resolution was sent back to the Finance & Personnel Committee. Resolution 080539 proposed utilizing the funds from the sale of land for the development of Kilbourn Tower to fund loans for the low-income development and rehabilitation projects in Milwaukee. There was a short debate spurred by Alderman Joe Dudzik that considered sending this resolution back to the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development committee to potentially find a different use for the funds. Alderman Willie Wade stated that “to me its a blessing to even have these funds available” and reinforced the majority of the council’s belief that this file should move forward. The motion to send back to committee was rejected and this resolution will now go before the Mayor. Par ailleurs, d‘autres facteurs peuvent donc terrestres, sont autorisés à travers tout joueur n’étant pas accès. Les principaux établissements de l’Est, la plupart des autres nations avec les autres. La légalité des joueurs aux plus modernes, les joueurs peuvent influencer l’accès des nations avec celles-ci se . meilleurs casinos Par ailleurs, d‘autres facteurs peuvent influencer l’accès des joueurs aux établissements de cantons, soit 26 au totale. Et comme la plupart des autres nations européennes, elle offre à une panoplie de jeux. Inscrit parmi les divers établissements de jeux une nation composé de casinos physiques, donc .
Sep 17th, 2008 by Dave ReidBroadband Quote of the Week
"Well, if I was a consumer I would say, "Why in the hell is the United States No. 13 and heading south in broadband deployment?"
Apr 4th, 2005 by Michael HorneBuilding data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024
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