Bethany Sanchez, senior administrator at the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council.


Content referencing Bethany Sanchez

Helping Area Nonprofits Grow and Work Together

Helping Area Nonprofits Grow and Work Together

Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin has been doing this since 1997.

Eyes on Milwaukee: First “Affordable Forever” House Available From Community Land Trust
Eyes on Milwaukee

First “Affordable Forever” House Available From Community Land Trust

Buyer sought for new-to-Milwaukee strategy designed to create affordable housing, community wealth.

City Says 10,000 Homes Goal On Track

City Says 10,000 Homes Goal On Track

But advocates say the issue is more complicated than simply building the homes.

City’s Housing Crisis Has Historic Roots

City’s Housing Crisis Has Historic Roots

Impact of redlining, restrictive covenants, disinvestment still felt today.

Op Ed: Good Signs on Affordable Housing
Op Ed

Good Signs on Affordable Housing

Activist groups creating programs, politicians embracing change. Can we build on this momentum?

Plenty of Horne: Harbor District To Have 40 “Habitat Hotels”
Plenty of Horne

Harbor District To Have 40 “Habitat Hotels”

Planning for district's 1000-acre site nearly done. "Hotels" naturalize sheet pilings.

Op Ed: Mortgage Data Holds Lenders Accountable
Op Ed

Mortgage Data Holds Lenders Accountable

But federal bills would overthrow Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.

Housing Fair Offers Home Buyers Advice

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $25

Housing Fair Offers Home Buyers Advice

Housing Fair Offers Home Buyers Advice

More than 40 experts from city and non-profits were at 5th annual fair.

Foreclosure Problem Persists in City

Foreclosure Problem Persists in City

It's a different kind of foreclosure problem, caused by poverty, experts say.

Mortgage Scammers Can Financially Ruin Homeowners

Mortgage Scammers Can Financially Ruin Homeowners

Milwaukee Fair Housing Council says such scams increasing and Latinos and immigrants are often targeted.