
Supervisor Gerry Broderick Criticizes Gov. Scott Walker’s Support of Mental Health Bill

Supervisor Gerry Broderick Criticizes Gov. Scott Walker’s Support of Mental Health Bill

Milwaukee County Supervisor Gerry Broderick issued the following statement regarding Gov. Scott Walker’s support of a mental health “reform” bill currently being considered in the Legislature.

Supervisor Deanna Alexander Votes Against Living Wage Resolution

Supervisor Deanna Alexander Votes Against Living Wage Resolution

Says It Makes Little Economic Sense, Will Hurt Jobs in Milwaukee County

Supervisor Taylor Disappointed with the County Board Adoption of the Minimum Wage Ordinance

Supervisor Taylor Disappointed with the County Board Adoption of the Minimum Wage Ordinance

The resolution would require employers who contract with the County to pay their employees a minimum of $11.33.

Assembly Democrats unveil a more responsible alternative to Gov. Walker’s spending plan

Assembly Democrats unveil a more responsible alternative to Gov. Walker’s spending plan

Proposal includes more funding for middle-class property tax relief, job training, rainy day fund

DOJ must stop prosecuting unconstitutional tickets

DOJ must stop prosecuting unconstitutional tickets

“Considering yesterday’s ruling, the DOJ must immediately dismiss all of the approximately 400 remaining frivolous citations.

Rep. Chris Taylor statement on AJR-81, latest ALEC scheme to hit Wisconsin

Rep. Chris Taylor statement on AJR-81, latest ALEC scheme to hit Wisconsin

Yesterday, Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 81 passed out of the Committee on Campaigns and Elections on a party-line vote.

Adams: Proposed Mental Health Oversight Board Deserves Bipartisan Support

Proposed Mental Health Oversight Board Deserves Bipartisan Support

Dan Adams, candidate for the 19th Assembly District, is endorsing a proposal that would put professionals in charge of mental health care in Milwaukee County.

Supervisor Michael Mayo, Sr. QUESTIONS Bill on Mental Health

Supervisor Michael Mayo, Sr. QUESTIONS Bill on Mental Health

Says Legislation Could Reduce Accountability, Looks Like More of the Same; He Questions How It Will Help Patients

ACLU Files Lawsuit Seeking Freedom to Marry for Wisconsin Couples

ACLU Files Lawsuit Seeking Freedom to Marry for Wisconsin Couples

The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Wisconsin and the law firm of Mayer Brown filed a federal lawsuit today on behalf of four same-sex couples who wish to marry in Wisconsin or are seeking recognition for their legal out-of-state marriages.

Meet & Greet for Jonathan Brostoff Tomorrow

Meet & Greet for Jonathan Brostoff Tomorrow

Meet & Greet for Jonathan Brostoff Tomorrow

Alderman Murphy on announcement by Council President Willie Hines

Alderman Murphy on announcement by Council President Willie Hines

Statement of Alderman Michael J. Murphy January 31, 2014

President Hines to vacate Common Council seat

President Hines to vacate Common Council seat

Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr., who has served as Milwaukee’s 15th District Alderman since 1996 and Council president since 2004, announced today that he is resigning his seat on the Council effective tomorrow, February 1, 2014.