
Mayor’s streetcar double-down doesn’t match up with his claim on jobs priority

Mayor’s streetcar double-down doesn’t match up with his claim on jobs priority

Mayor’s streetcar double-down doesn’t match up with his claim on jobs priority

Supervisor Russell Stamper II Calls for Transit to be Part of Capital Needs Discussion

Supervisor Russell Stamper II Calls for Transit to be Part of Capital Needs Discussion

Says Arena and Cultural Amenities Should Not Be Only Focus of Discussion

Representative Goyke Testifies on Assembly Bill 518 – “Lindsey’s Law”

Representative Goyke Testifies on Assembly Bill 518 – “Lindsey’s Law”

Today, State Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) testified before the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice in support of Assembly Bill 518, “Lindsey’s Law.”

Rep. Richards Reaffirms Call to Pass Universal Background Checks Law

Rep. Richards Reaffirms Call to Pass Universal Background Checks Law

Today, Rep. Jon Richards (D-Milwaukee) reaffirmed his call for a public hearing and passage of his bill to require criminal background checks for all firearms transactions in Wisconsin.

Adams announces support for “Higher Education Lower Debt” bill

Adams announces support for “Higher Education Lower Debt” bill

Dan Adams, a candidate for Wisconsin’s 19th Assembly District, stated his support for AB498.

County Executive Abele Meets With White House Staff on ACA & Minimum Wage

County Executive Abele Meets With White House Staff on ACA & Minimum Wage

In addition to raising the minimum wage, Abele is focused on closing the wage gap by helping people get back to work and into more skilled, higher paying jobs, through stronger economic development and jobs training.

Representative Goyke Elected Democratic Caucus Secretary

Representative Goyke Elected Democratic Caucus Secretary

State Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement regarding his election today as Democratic Caucus Secretary.

Wisconsin Ranks 37th in Job Numbers

Wisconsin Ranks 37th in Job Numbers

Here is the nonpartisan Bureau of Labor Statistics' quarterly census job numbers

Gov. Walker, Don’t Use Free Speech as a Scapegoat

Gov. Walker, Don’t Use Free Speech as a Scapegoat

Governor signals he will sign bill protecting racist team names and mascots

Milwaukee County Supervisor David F. Bowen Hopeful of Veto-proof Majority on Living Wage Ordinance

Milwaukee County Supervisor David F. Bowen Hopeful of Veto-proof Majority on Living Wage Ordinance

Milwaukee County Supervisor David F. Bowen said today he remained hopeful that his “living wage” ordinance would pass the full County Board with a veto-proof majority of 12 votes after the Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee delayed a vote on the measure Monday.

Statement on County Board’s Wage Mandate

Statement on County Board’s Wage Mandate

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele released a statement today responding to the County Board’s consideration of a plan to mandate higher wages.



Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander issued the following statement of concerns about the “living wage” ordinance under consideration today by the County’s Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee.