
Milwaukee’s Common Council Allows 100 More Taxis on City Streets

Milwaukee’s Common Council Allows 100 More Taxis on City Streets

City responds to drivers’ court victory, but keeps unconstitutional cap on cabs. Lottery will determine who gets to go into business.

Abele’s Vetoes Lower Property Taxes, Increase Rainy Day Fund and Strikes a Compromise with Supervisors

Abele’s Vetoes Lower Property Taxes, Increase Rainy Day Fund and Strikes a Compromise with Supervisors

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele is issuing vetoes to the 2014 Budget that will lower property taxes $1.6 million while adding $2 million to the Debt Service Reserve, the County’s rainy day fund.

Commissioner Cedric Cornwall Announces Campaign Kick-Off Event

Commissioner Cedric Cornwall Announces Campaign Kick-Off Event

Candidate for Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge to Launch Campaign on November 20

Rep. Taylor to Gov. Walker: You don’t have to kick anyone off BadgerCare Plus
Rep. Taylor to Gov. Walker

You don’t have to kick anyone off BadgerCare Plus

Governor Walker announced that he will call for a special session to give mothers and other individuals he is kicking off health care more time to transition to the Affordable Care Act.

Redistricting reform the antidote to Republican extremism

Redistricting reform the antidote to Republican extremism

Assembly Democratic freshmen urge support for non-partisan redistricting reform as fall session ends

Milwaukee County Board Adopts 2014 Milwaukee County Budget

Milwaukee County Board Adopts 2014 Milwaukee County Budget

No Increase in the Tax Levy; Invests in Public Safety and Mental Health Services

Citizen Action Applauds Senator Baldwin’s Call to Delay Cuts to BadgerCare

Citizen Action Applauds Senator Baldwin’s Call to Delay Cuts to BadgerCare

Citizen Action of Wisconsin applauds Senator Baldwin’s common sense proposals to assure that Wisconsin families who need health coverage do not fall between the cracks.

Milwaukee County Supervisors Khalif Rainey, Russell Stamper II Demand Explanations on Abstention Votes

Milwaukee County Supervisors Khalif Rainey, Russell Stamper II Demand Explanations on Abstention Votes

They Will Introduce a Resolution Requiring Explanations for Abstentions

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Gets Unanimous County Board Support of Parks Wi-Fi Resolution

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Gets Unanimous County Board Support of Parks Wi-Fi Resolution

The Plan Will Explore Creation of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in County Parks

Sara Geenen Announces Candidacy for Wisconsin’s 19th State Assembly District

Sara Geenen Announces Candidacy for Wisconsin’s 19th State Assembly District

Today, Sara Geenen announced her candidacy for Wisconsin’s 19th Assembly District Seat.

Taylor statement on passage of AB 139 and the gutting of patient-centered informed consent law

Taylor statement on passage of AB 139 and the gutting of patient-centered informed consent law

Today, the State Assembly passed Assembly Bill 139, which changes a patient centered informed consent law, in which patients must be told medical information about treatment options to a physician-centered standard based on a physician’s subjective beliefs.

Milwaukee County Board to Hold Budget Hearing Today at 4 P.M.

Milwaukee County Board to Hold Budget Hearing Today at 4 P.M.

Milwaukee County War Memorial to Host Annual Event