
Excerpts from Governor Walker’s 2017 State of the State Address

Excerpts from Governor Walker’s 2017 State of the State Address

Watch the State of the State Address Live Today at 3:00 p.m.

Sen. Taylor to offer three free movie screenings of <em>The Best Democracy Money Can Buy</em>

Sen. Taylor to offer three free movie screenings of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Sen. Taylor invites her guests to stay after the movie to talk about the impact money has on politics in America.

Holding Attorney General Schimel’s Government Waste Accountable

Holding Attorney General Schimel’s Government Waste Accountable

AG Schimel’s DOJ paid $10,000 in taxpayer dollars to an out-of-state company in Florida to mint fake coins.

Congressman Sensenbrenner Introduces the Working Parents Tax Relief Act to Help Working Families

Congressman Sensenbrenner Introduces the Working Parents Tax Relief Act to Help Working Families

“Changes to the Dependent Care Assistance Program are necessary to give our hardworking families a hand up and ensure our businesses have a focused, productive workforce.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Amendment to Protect Medicare and Medicaid

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Amendment to Protect Medicare and Medicaid

Amendment to budget resolution would block major changes to critical safety net programs without transparency and debate in Congress

Governor Walker’s 2017 State of the State Address to Stream Live Tomorrow
Joey Balistreri Announces Run for MPS Board of Directors, District 7

Joey Balistreri Announces Run for MPS Board of Directors, District 7

His time in the classroom—both as a teacher and academic coach—gives him valuable perspective.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Democrats Introduce Bill to Require President and Vice President to Fully Divest Personal Financial Conflicts of Interest
Governor Walker Names Acting Secretaries for Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
Sen. Ron Johnson Set to Fast Track Setting Clock Back on Civil Rights, Voting Rights With Nomination of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General

Sen. Ron Johnson Set to Fast Track Setting Clock Back on Civil Rights, Voting Rights With Nomination of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General

Racism, Antipathy to Voting Rights of Nominee For U.S. Attorney General Doesn’t Look Any Better in 2017 Than it Did in 1986

Gov. Walker’s Opioid Prevention Plan Does Not Match Magnitude of the Crisis

Gov. Walker’s Opioid Prevention Plan Does Not Match Magnitude of the Crisis

The scale being proposed by Governor Walker is wholly inadequate.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Senators Introduce Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Prices for Seniors

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Senators Introduce Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Prices for Seniors

Legislation would help cut costs for nearly 41 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D and boost Medicare savings