
Sen. Johnson Statement on State of the State Address

Sen. Johnson Statement on State of the State Address

“The absence of any mention of Milwaukee in Gov. Walker’s State of the State speech speaks volumes to the absence of his leadership on the real problems our communities face every day.”

Sen. Taylor statement on State of the State Address

Sen. Taylor statement on State of the State Address

"Wisconsin doesn’t need a cheerleader, we need a trailblazer to solve our state’s problems."

Rep. Shankland: Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address
Rep. Shankland

Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address

“Republicans should be working with Democrats to invest in the middle class and help working families get ahead.”

Rep. Hesselbein: Scott Walker Ignores the Real State of our State in Annual Address
Rep. Hesselbein

Scott Walker Ignores the Real State of our State in Annual Address

Walker has turned a blind eye to problems facing our veterans, our working families, and our infrastructure

Senator Janis Ringhand Statement on Governor Walker’s speech

Senator Janis Ringhand Statement on Governor Walker’s speech

The wealthy and powerful have gotten more than their fair share from Governor Walker.

Rep. Mark Spreitzer reacts to State of the State address

Rep. Mark Spreitzer reacts to State of the State address

“Wisconsin can and must do better.”

Rep. Novak Statement on State of the State Address

Rep. Novak Statement on State of the State Address

"There is no doubt that Wisconsin’s best days are ahead."

Rep. Peter Barca Response to the State of the State

Rep. Peter Barca Response to the State of the State

The governor has bragged about his tax policies, while neglecting to mention that his cuts have largely benefitted the wealthy of our state.

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of the State

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of the State

“The only thing remarkable about his address is that anyone is bothering to listen.”

Governor Walker and GOP Out of Touch With Wisconsin

Governor Walker and GOP Out of Touch With Wisconsin

"Governor Walker and the GOP could not be more wrong about the state of Wisconsin."

Representative Lisa Subeck Response to State of the State

Representative Lisa Subeck Response to State of the State

"Rather than honestly assessing the condition of our state and laying out an agenda that would put Wisconsin back on track, the Governor continues to ignore reality and paints an artificially rosy picture."

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the State Address

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the State Address

"We have cut taxes by nearly $5 billion, reduced the size of government and established a business climate that fosters economic growth."