Content referencing Mark Meadows

Documents Undercut False Electors’ Claim It Was a Contingency Plan

Documents Undercut False Electors’ Claim It Was a Contingency Plan

Emails, texts in state's case against plotters suggest goal was to sow chaos before Jan. 6.

Murphy’s Law: The Long Reach of Cleta Mitchell
Murphy’s Law

The Long Reach of Cleta Mitchell

Bradley board member’s role in the Big Lie keeps growing as more reported.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers

Board member Cleta Mitchell and Bradley-funded group train army of zealots to watch over elections.

Back in the News: Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory
Back in the News

Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory

Senator now blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Capitol riot.

GOP Donors That Fought Evers’ Health Orders Catch COVID-19

GOP Donors That Fought Evers’ Health Orders Catch COVID-19

Billionaire couple Dick and Liz Uihlein have tested positive for COVID-19.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on White House Refusing to Address Pandemic
Evers Might Extend Mask Order

Evers Might Extend Mask Order

Governor discussed masking order and Kenosha shootings Wednesday.

Trump Says Evers Accepts Federal Troops

Trump Says Evers Accepts Federal Troops

But Evers says he’s authorized more Wisconsin guard troops as officials argue over what should be done.

City Hall: Milwaukee Federal Agent “Surge” Nothing New?
City Hall

Milwaukee Federal Agent “Surge” Nothing New?

Different than Portland, continues past help, Chisholm and DeSiato explain.

Data Wonk: Why Evers Must Take Action
Data Wonk

Why Evers Must Take Action

Data shows state is losing the battle against COVID-19. He must reissue an emergency order.

White House threat of federal agents in Milwaukee is unnecessary
Press Release

White House threat of federal agents in Milwaukee is unnecessary

Statement of Common Council President Cavalier Johnson July 20, 2020

Back in the News: Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?
Back in the News

Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?

Trump's chief of staff says administration prepping plan to send troops to Democratic-run cities like Milwaukee.

State’s GOP Congressmen Skip Depositions

State’s GOP Congressmen Skip Depositions

Sensenbrenner, who led the Clinton impeachment, and Grothman skip closed-door impeachment sessions.

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act
Press Release

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act

This legislation would direct money and assets seized from Mexican drug cartels to be used to increase border security between the U.S./Mexican border.