Kim Schroeder, president of the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association.

Schroeder is also the secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin Education Association Council.

Content referencing Kim Schroeder

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Contribution to Alex Brower of $1,000

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Contribution to Alex Brower of $100

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $250

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises
Back in the News

School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Committee adopts rule requiring board approval for all raises.

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

Teachers union contends sweetheart rate charged; MPS officials deny this.

Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators: Union demands transparency and accountability
Press Release

Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators: Union demands transparency and accountability

"While the MPS Administration showers money on MPS administrators, classroom educators, saddled with increasing demands, are asked to take a step back in pay this year."

MTEA Leaders React to Scott Walker’s Meeting with Trump
Press Release

MTEA Leaders React to Scott Walker’s Meeting with Trump

Exporting Act 10 will devastate students, educators and public education across the nation

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Candidates for Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Press Release

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Candidates for Milwaukee Board of School Directors

Diverse slate of candidates support public education; oppose corporate profiteering

MPS Sets Sights on Increased State Funding

MPS Sets Sights on Increased State Funding

Buoyed by victory on OSSP takeover law, union and parents call for funding equity.

Takeover Commissioner Demond Means’ Resignation a Victory for Milwaukee Students and Community
Press Release

Takeover Commissioner Demond Means’ Resignation a Victory for Milwaukee Students and Community

“We will continue to resist any attack on our community’s fundamental democratic rights that would remove public institutions from the control of our publicly elected school board,” said MTEA President Kim Schroeder.

MTEA Stands in Solidarity with the Teachers and Students of Oaxaca
Press Release

MTEA Stands in Solidarity with the Teachers and Students of Oaxaca

We are witnessing international resistance against attacks on public education and attempts by states to strip away rights.

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

They demand specifics; Demond Means denies he will “takeover” failing schools.

Chris Abele and Demond Means Miss Key Facts About the Community Schools Model
Press Release

Chris Abele and Demond Means Miss Key Facts About the Community Schools Model

"It’s important to note that Community Schools are more than community partnerships."

Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association Continues to Push for Reduced Class Sizes in Early Grades
Press Release

Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association Continues to Push for Reduced Class Sizes in Early Grades

In 2015 Scott Walker signed into law Wisconsin Act 53 which phases out the class-size reduction program.

MTEA President Endorses Chevy Johnson for Alderman
Press Release

MTEA President Endorses Chevy Johnson for Alderman

Chevy has shown that he supports public education -- our students, our families, and our educators," said Kim Schroeder, President of the Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association.

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Larson for Milwaukee County Exec, Progressive Board & Council Slate
Press Release

Wisconsin Working Families Party Endorses Larson for Milwaukee County Exec, Progressive Board & Council Slate

New progressive coalition releases first wave of Milwaukee county endorsements, pledges to aggressively support slate in run-up to Election Day

Vote Favoring Pulaski & Carmen Partnership Surprises

Vote Favoring Pulaski & Carmen Partnership Surprises

Harris changes position, school board okays it, opponents question decision.

Murphy’s Law: How Schools Are Over-Testing Students
Murphy’s Law

How Schools Are Over-Testing Students

New study of big city schools, including Milwaukee, shows way too many standardized tests being given.

Will Pulaski and Carmen Schools Partnership Get Okay?

Will Pulaski and Carmen Schools Partnership Get Okay?

Supporters say it could improve Pulaski's poor results, but teachers union and some board members may resist.

Will Teachers Desert Wisconsin?

Will Teachers Desert Wisconsin?

Many teachers say they feel undervalued. And statistics show turnover of teachers and a reduction in education candidates.

Dimitrijevic for Assembly: Gains Endorsement of Public Educators in Wisconsin
Press Release

Dimitrijevic for Assembly: Gains Endorsement of Public Educators in Wisconsin

MTEA and WEAC Agree that Marina is the Best Choice