Content referencing Joe McCarthy

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Veterans
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Veterans

More cuts by Gannett: David Haynes, Bruce Vielmetti and four others taking buyouts.

Op Ed: Michael Gableman Has No Shame
Op Ed

Michael Gableman Has No Shame

Head of GOP election probe was a nasty bully, making slanderous, irresponsible charges to Assembly committee.

Op Ed: The Return of McCarthyism
Op Ed

The Return of McCarthyism

Michael Gableman is the new Joe McCarthy, with the same bullying, sneering, demagogic style.

Ron Johnson, Wisconsin’s Greatest National Embarrassment Since Joseph McCarthy: He Represents Racism, Supremacy and Bigotry
Ron Johnson’s “Embarrassingly Bad” March
Press Release

Ron Johnson’s “Embarrassingly Bad” March

Johnson Continues To Make Waves… For All The Wrong Reasons

Op Ed: The Lessons of Impeachment
Op Ed

The Lessons of Impeachment

Not much Republican courage. And lots of demagoguery from Ron Johnson.

Murphy’s Law: Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson
Murphy’s Law

Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson

A recall effort, attacks by the Lincoln Project, angry editorial and much more.

Back in the News: Gasp, Sykes Recants on Rojo
Back in the News

Gasp, Sykes Recants on Rojo

Stop the presses! Charlie Sykes has changed his view of Senator Ron Johnson.

Op Ed: Ron Johnson’s Witch Hunt
Op Ed

Ron Johnson’s Witch Hunt

His investigation of Hunter Biden calls to mind the style of Joe McCarthy.

Op Ed: The Party of Lincoln No More
Op Ed

The Party of Lincoln No More

Johnson, Grothman, Tiffany redefine Republican Party in an un-Abe-like way.

Theater: The Show Must Go On. Eventually

The Show Must Go On. Eventually

Milwaukee Rep and several other theaters are planning a season beginning as early as August

Theater: So Many Jokes, So Little Time

So Many Jokes, So Little Time

Next Act has fun with Neil Simon’s ‘Laughter on the 23rd Floor.’

Murphy’s Law: What Milwaukee Means to Democrats
Murphy’s Law

What Milwaukee Means to Democrats

The city’s selection for Democratic Convention is symbolic. But of what?

Jewish Museum Milwaukee Exhibit Shows Importance of Civil Liberties through Hollywood’s Blacklist
Press Release

Jewish Museum Milwaukee Exhibit Shows Importance of Civil Liberties through Hollywood’s Blacklist

Blacklist: The Hollywood Red Scare asks visitors to critically examine other points in history including contemporary issues

Murphy’s Law: RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man
Murphy’s Law

RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man

Sen. Johnson assails FBI with no evidence, supporting Trump and Russia.

Randy Bryce Demands Speaker Paul Ryan Censure President Trump Over Outrageous Charlottesville Response
Press Release

Randy Bryce Demands Speaker Paul Ryan Censure President Trump Over Outrageous Charlottesville Response

"There is no moral equivalence between the repugnant peddlers of hate and violence, and those who bravely stand up to them."

Data Wonk: Trumpism
Data Wonk


The evidence-free appeal of Donald Trump.

MacIver Institute Joins National Coalition in Defense of Free Speech
Press Release

MacIver Institute Joins National Coalition in Defense of Free Speech

The effort of these 19 Senators to stifle the First Amendment rights of their political adversaries is breathtaking and should infuriate every American citizen,” said Brett Healy, president of the MacIver Institute.

Op-Ed: Shades of McCarthyism in Donald Trump

Shades of McCarthyism in Donald Trump

He was trained by Joe McCarthy lieutenant Roy Cohn and uses Joe’s tactics.