
Content referencing Jodi Habush Sinykin

On 2nd Anniversary of Dobbs Ruling, Democrats Say Abortion Rights Still Key Issue

On 2nd Anniversary of Dobbs Ruling, Democrats Say Abortion Rights Still Key Issue

Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, causing 1849 law to go into effect in Wisconsin until challenged.

Data Wonk: District 8 Becoming More Democratic. Its Senator Isn’t.
Data Wonk

District 8 Becoming More Democratic. Its Senator Isn’t.

State Sen. Dan Knodl votes like MAGA Republican in a nearly evenly divided district.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Impeachment Threats
Data Wonk

The Impact of Impeachment Threats

Republicans seek to scare Justice Protasiewicz and elections overseer Meagan Wolfe into following their dictates.

Data Wonk: Election Shows Shifting Demographics
Data Wonk

Election Shows Shifting Demographics

The WOW counties delivered less wow for the Republican Party.

Jodi Habush Sinykin Concedes Race for Senate District 8
Dan Knodl Declares Victory in 8th District Senate Race

Dan Knodl Declares Victory in 8th District Senate Race

Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin hasn't conceded. Republican supermajority at stake.

Wisconsin Conservation Voters IEC invests $1.5 million in 2023 spring election
8th Senate District Race Will Decide GOP Veto-Proof Majority

8th Senate District Race Will Decide GOP Veto-Proof Majority

Republican Rep. Dan Knodl, Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin compete for open seat.

Knodl Beats Trump-Backed Candidate in 8th Senate District GOP Primary

Knodl Beats Trump-Backed Candidate in 8th Senate District GOP Primary

Brandtjen loses. Republican Dan Knodl will face Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin in April.

Will Democratic Ad Boost Election Denier Brandtjen?

Will Democratic Ad Boost Election Denier Brandtjen?

Ad in open state Senate race seems designed to help most extreme GOP candidate.

Meet The Candidates Seeking Open State Senate Seat

Meet The Candidates Seeking Open State Senate Seat

Three Republicans, one Democrat running for seat held by retiring Sen Alberta Darling.

Campaign Cash: Protasiewicz Outraises Opponents in State Supreme Court Race
Campaign Cash

Protasiewicz Outraises Opponents in State Supreme Court Race

A 3-1 advantage over her nearest opponent in total campaign donations.

Jodi for State Senate Announces First Round of Endorsements for Senate District 8
Press Release

Jodi for State Senate Announces First Round of Endorsements for Senate District 8

Longtime area resident also announces campaign manager

First Democrat Enters Race To Replace Sen. Darling

First Democrat Enters Race To Replace Sen. Darling

Attorney Jodi Habush Sinykin declares for race that already has four Republicans.

Jodi Habush Sinykin Announces 8th Senate District Candidacy
Press Release

Jodi Habush Sinykin Announces 8th Senate District Candidacy

Longtime district resident and attorney enters race as a Democrat.

Op Ed: Judge Extends Deadline on Foxconn Case
Op Ed

Judge Extends Deadline on Foxconn Case

Company’s proposed diversion of Lake Michigan water is illegal, environmental groups charge.

Groups Challenge Legality of Foxconn’s Water Diversion

Groups Challenge Legality of Foxconn’s Water Diversion

Argues the DNR made a mistake in approving the water diversion.

Diversion of Great Lakes Water for Foxconn Challenged
Press Release

Diversion of Great Lakes Water for Foxconn Challenged

Integrity of the Great Lakes Compact at Risk

Murphy’s Law: How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin

And why the company may get away with it.

Op Ed: Foxconn Water Request Violates Law
Op Ed

Foxconn Water Request Violates Law

Company wants massive diversion of Lake Michigan water. But DNR won't oppose it.

Groups React as States and Provinces Commit to Reconvene in May to Continue Debate on Precedent-Setting Great Lakes Water Diversion
Press Release

Groups React as States and Provinces Commit to Reconvene in May to Continue Debate on Precedent-Setting Great Lakes Water Diversion

It is critical that any diversion proposal meet the rigorous requirements of the Compact which were developed to safeguard the Great Lakes.

Public Overwhelmingly Opposed To Wisconsin’s Great Lakes Diversion Proposal
Press Release

Public Overwhelmingly Opposed To Wisconsin’s Great Lakes Diversion Proposal

99% of more than 11,200 comments indicate opposition or serious concern regarding City of Waukesha's proposed Great Lakes diversion

Waukesha water diversion application will set precedent for adherence to Great Lakes Compact
Press Release

Waukesha water diversion application will set precedent for adherence to Great Lakes Compact

Eight Great Lakes governors and two Canadian premiers ask Great Lakes citizens to chime in

Legal and Technical Experts Tell DNR Waukesha’s Application Does Not Comply with Great Lakes Compact
Press Release

Legal and Technical Experts Tell DNR Waukesha’s Application Does Not Comply with Great Lakes Compact

Public largely opposed to application at all three public hearings

A Great Lakes Diversion Is Not Necessary for Waukesha
Press Release

A Great Lakes Diversion Is Not Necessary for Waukesha

Non-Diversion Solution is the better-researched, safer alternative

Waukesha’s Revised Water Diversion Proposal Still Fails to Meet Great Lakes Compact
Press Release

Waukesha’s Revised Water Diversion Proposal Still Fails to Meet Great Lakes Compact

The City of Waukesha’s revised plan to divert an average of 10.1 million gallons of water daily from Lake Michigan falls short of the protective standards set by the Great Lakes Compact.

Waukesha Diversion Proposal Demands Scrutiny
Press Release

Waukesha Diversion Proposal Demands Scrutiny

As Complete Details Emerge, Interested Parties Must Evaluate Whether It Meets Wisconsin and Great Lakes Compact Requirements