Brian Verdin, MLK Justice Coalition.

Brian is married to Melissa Verdin.

Brian has five sons, Shawn, Fidel, Gideon, Langston, and Julian.

Content referencing Brian Verdin

6th District Difference Makers Honored for Efforts in the Community
Press Release

6th District Difference Makers Honored for Efforts in the Community

The awards are meant to recognize those people and groups who go above and beyond to improve the quality of life in the 6th Aldermanic District.

MKE County: Board Approves Lucille Berrien Park
MKE County

Board Approves Lucille Berrien Park

Lucille Berrien was an open housing activist, the first Black woman to run for mayor and a foster mother to more than 120 children.

Supervisor Coggs-Jones Secures County Board Approval to Create Lucille Berrien Park
Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan

Contribution to Alex Brower of $50

Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan
Press Release

Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan

We are writing on behalf of an array of community groups to express our serious misgivings regarding the recently released draft “Public Safety Action Plan.”

Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan

Contribution to David Crowley of $35