Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

YMCA Expands Education Program

YMCA Expands Education Program

Partnership with Next Door will allow it to serve 400 more low-income children.

Will Businesses Hire Ex-Cons?

Will Businesses Hire Ex-Cons?

Some do. New program pushes 100 area companies to join the effort.

Juice Kitchen Will Offer Healthy Drinks

Juice Kitchen Will Offer Healthy Drinks

Shop coming to 16th and North will offer fresh fruit and vegetable drinks.

Finney Library Will Be Turned Into Arts Incubator

Finney Library Will Be Turned Into Arts Incubator

New owner of Sherman Park property working with artists like Reginald Baylor.

The Return of Gloria’s Bakery

The Return of Gloria’s Bakery

Her old shop was robbed and vandalized several times. She's reopening in new location.

A Shelter For Women Caught in Sex Trade

A Shelter For Women Caught in Sex Trade

Grateful Girls Safe Haven helps prostitutes and those targeted by human trafficking.

Will Pulaski and Carmen Schools Partnership Get Okay?

Will Pulaski and Carmen Schools Partnership Get Okay?

Supporters say it could improve Pulaski's poor results, but teachers union and some board members may resist.

The 37 Neighborhoods of Milwaukee

The 37 Neighborhoods of Milwaukee

Local historian John Gurda's new book has a message: Geography matters.

United Community Center to Fulfill Promise

United Community Center to Fulfill Promise

UCC begins process of making good on $20,000 pledge to Milwaukee County Parks

$20,000 Pledge For Park Still Unpaid

$20,000 Pledge For Park Still Unpaid

United Community Center fails to follow through on $20,000 commitment to rebuild park

Community Art Inspires

Community Art Inspires

Pulaski Park art project provided opportunity to engage residents and enhance the neighborhood.

Pop-Up Museum Celebrates Local Culture

Pop-Up Museum Celebrates Local Culture

A museum pops up at the Silver City International Food & Art Walk