Data Wonk

Data Wonk: What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?
Data Wonk

What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?

Possible explanations for why the economy and stock market perform better under Democratic presidents.

Data Wonk: Are Democrats Better for the Economy?
Data Wonk

Are Democrats Better for the Economy?

The data shows Democratic presidents have better economic growth. But is the data meaningful?

Data Wonk: The Curious Contradictions of Christian Schneider
Data Wonk

The Curious Contradictions of Christian Schneider

Journal Sentinel columnist admits killing Obamacare would hurt Wisconsin, even as he bashes it.

Data Wonk: Will Liberal Democrats Undermine Mary Burke?
Data Wonk

Will Liberal Democrats Undermine Mary Burke?

Opposition to a pro-business Democrat could help Walker win reelection.

Data Wonk: Obamacare’s Success So Far
Data Wonk

Obamacare’s Success So Far

Uninsured rates decline in most states, more so for those “embracing” the legislation, and Wisconsin finds itself in the middle of the pack.

Data Wonk: Court Decision Could Kill Obamacare in Wisconsin
Data Wonk

Court Decision Could Kill Obamacare in Wisconsin

That would hurt many who’ve enrolled, and leave Gov. Walker in a tough position.

Data Wonk: Why MPS Can’t Improve
Data Wonk

Why MPS Can’t Improve

It’s clearly failing black children. Why can’t MPS do as well as other cities in addressing the problem?

Data Wonk: Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?
Data Wonk

Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?

And why is the opposition to it so heated? An analysis of the actual standards and the arguments against them.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Obamacare
Data Wonk

The Impact of Obamacare

States that embraced it have greatly lowered the number of uninsured. What’s the impact on Wisconsin?

Data Wonk: Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?
Data Wonk

Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?

Liberal and conservatives adamantly disagree. What does the data show?

Data Wonk: Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives
Data Wonk

Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives

Their past decisions may force them to rule against those appealing the John Doe investigation.

Data Wonk: The Milwaukee Advantage
Data Wonk

The Milwaukee Advantage

Why is population growth here better than in most Great Lakes states?