Data Wonk

Data Wonk: Does Manufacturing Tax Credit Matter?
Data Wonk

Does Manufacturing Tax Credit Matter?

Evers would scrap tax break passed by Walker and Republicans. Will that help or hurt?

Data Wonk: The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts
Data Wonk

The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts

It relies on supply side economics. So how well is that working?

Data Wonk: Making Wisconsin More Like Texas
Data Wonk

Making Wisconsin More Like Texas

Schimel and Walker support changes in Affordable Care Act most voters oppose. Why?

Data Wonk: Walker Cost State 80,000 Jobs
Data Wonk

Walker Cost State 80,000 Jobs

Jobs grew 33 percent less under him compared to other states, the data shows.

Data Wonk: The Case for Single Payer Care
Data Wonk

The Case for Single Payer Care

65% in this state get insurance at work. Would they support Medicare for All?

Data Wonk: Must Democrats Have a Unified Message?
Data Wonk

Must Democrats Have a Unified Message?

So claims a NYT story. But the party generally fares better by allowing differing views.

Data Wonk: Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage
Data Wonk

Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage

Trump’s attack on Affordable Care Act mostly hurts Republicans, the data shows.

Data Wonk: The Trouble with Freedom Indices
Data Wonk

The Trouble with Freedom Indices

Assumption that government spending reduces freedom limits the ability to assess government programs.

Data Wonk: How Government Helps the Economy
Data Wonk

How Government Helps the Economy

A government safety net is the best way of assuring the economy can evolve and grow.

Data Wonk: The Rise of Federalist Society Judges
Data Wonk

The Rise of Federalist Society Judges

Nationally and in Wisconsin they have become activists and super legislators.

Data Wonk: Why Roys Is Wrong On School Choice
Data Wonk

Why Roys Is Wrong On School Choice

And what this may say about the Democratic Party.

Data Wonk: McAdams Decision Is a Travesty
Data Wonk

McAdams Decision Is a Travesty

Cyber-bullying was championed by state Supreme Court, while trashing faculty governance.