Real Estate

Plenty of Horne: Summerfest Plans Bang-Up Banner
Plenty of Horne

Summerfest Plans Bang-Up Banner

The huge 50th anniversary sign is unique. "Horrible," says Ald. Bauman.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Okays Two Downtown Designs
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Okays Two Downtown Designs

Plus: What will the Bucks big announcement on Friday be?

City Could Sell Homes to Felons

City Could Sell Homes to Felons

Committee overturns current ban on sales but proposal needs full council approval.

Plenty of Horne: Banks Out; Starbucks In at Groceries
Plenty of Horne

Banks Out; Starbucks In at Groceries

Banks closing at Piggy Wiggly, Pick 'N Save, Kroger, while Starbucks cafes added.

Walnut Way Fires Its Executive Director

Walnut Way Fires Its Executive Director

Growing North Side non-profit fires Vernon after 6 months, acting director hired.

In Public: Design By Committee
In Public

Design By Committee

Or how Ald. Kovac and the Historic Preservation Commission bedevil architects.

City Spends Big On Housing The Poor

City Spends Big On Housing The Poor

Housing Trust Fund has spent $6.5 million since 2006 on low-income housing.

Friday Photos: Bay View’s New Vue
Friday Photos

Bay View’s New Vue

A new gateway for the south side neighborhood is taking shape.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Streetcar Track Construction Starts in April
Eyes on Milwaukee

Streetcar Track Construction Starts in April

System on track to start service in late 2018, project is on-budget

Revival in Harambee

Revival in Harambee

Riverworks executive director Darryl Johnson leads redevelopment of Harambee.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Inside the River House Apartments
Eyes on Milwaukee

Inside the River House Apartments

See the newest luxury apartment complex, located just north of Downtown.

Three Great New Libraries Coming

Three Great New Libraries Coming

Three new neighborhood libraries all use new approach of mixed-used development.