Public Safety

GOP Suit Slaps Kaul on Lame Duck Laws

GOP Suit Slaps Kaul on Lame Duck Laws

AG contests lawsuit, calling it “attempt to undermine public safety in Wisconsin.”

Op Ed: How Parole Rules Help Fill State’s Prisons
Op Ed

How Parole Rules Help Fill State’s Prisons

Average parole time far longer in Wisconsin; system returns many parolees to prison.

Why the Weekend of Fatal Overdoses?

Why the Weekend of Fatal Overdoses?

14 drug overdose deaths in Milwaukee County. Bad batch of drugs suspected.

Murphy’s Law: About Those Good Guys With a Gun
Murphy’s Law

About Those Good Guys With a Gun

Cop killer Jordan Fricke is the latest case undermining that theory.

Court Watch: 85% of County’s Pot Cases Arrest Blacks
Court Watch

85% of County’s Pot Cases Arrest Blacks

And 95% were men. Dane County arrests are even more disproportionate racially.

Op Ed: How Evers Should Reform Criminal Justice
Op Ed

How Evers Should Reform Criminal Justice

More pardons and commutations and ending solitary confinement would be a good start.

FPC Nominee Faces Cloud of Uncertainty

FPC Nominee Faces Cloud of Uncertainty

Council vote unclear on Griselda Aldrete, mayor's pick to lead Fire & Police Commission.

Wisconsin Is Awash in Opioids

Wisconsin Is Awash in Opioids

Federal data shows massive over-prescription, 1.2 billion pain pills over six years.

The Contrarian: The Myth of Easy Prison Reform
The Contrarian

The Myth of Easy Prison Reform

It’s caused by misinformation about “non-violent offenders” and “crimeless revocations.”

City May Sue Opioid Manufacturers

City May Sue Opioid Manufacturers

Murphy wants city attorney to consider suit for damages from opioid epidemic.

City Hall: Take It EZ, Donovan Urges
City Hall

Take It EZ, Donovan Urges

New public-private initiative targets reckless driving in the city.

Alderman Seeks Fireworks Restrictions

Alderman Seeks Fireworks Restrictions

Citing rampant fireworks use, Johnson pushes state law to prevent sales across county lines.