
Plenty of Horne: Anti-Chisholm Candidate Fails to Get On Ballot
Plenty of Horne

Anti-Chisholm Candidate Fails to Get On Ballot

Monique Taylor sought open county supervisor seat to run against Gwen Moore’s son, but didn’t get enough signatures.

The State of Politics: Walker Not Most Polarizing Pol
The State of Politics

Walker Not Most Polarizing Pol

Polls show he is fourth most polarizing among state voters.

School Board Members Up for Re-election

School Board Members Up for Re-election

But only Jeff Spence and Board President Michael Bonds face opponents in spring election.

Back in the News: National Media Jumps on “College Dropout” Walker
Back in the News

National Media Jumps on “College Dropout” Walker

Walker’s presidential run brings on stories about the hole in his resume.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Four New Bus Routes Start Sunday
Eyes on Milwaukee

Four New Bus Routes Start Sunday

MCTS will include three more express lines, offering better service for high-demand routes.

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Small Business Administration's "street-wise" MBA trains people to run their own businesses.

Freshwater Mecca: Is Milwaukee the Leading Freshwater City?
Freshwater Mecca

Is Milwaukee the Leading Freshwater City?

Perhaps no American city provides more access to its rivers and lake shore. First of a series.

In Public: The Bus Stop That Isn’t
In Public

The Bus Stop That Isn’t

The Bay View “art stop” is neither art nor a good bus stop. For one-tenth the price, the city could have done far better.

How a Business Improvement District Helped South Side

How a Business Improvement District Helped South Side

Tortilla shop and Indian eatery among those benefitting from BID serving S. 13th St.

State Spending on Outside Services Soars

State Spending on Outside Services Soars

Spending on outside contracts was $451 million in 2014, up 56% since 2010, when Gov. Walker took office.

Murphy’s Law: The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks
Murphy’s Law

The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks

Odds are, the Bucks arena will get many secret tax subsidies, as Miller Park does.

Gun Homicides: Milwaukee Has Two-Thirds of State’s Gun Killings
Gun Homicides

Milwaukee Has Two-Thirds of State’s Gun Killings

76 of 111 victims in 2014 were in Milwaukee. Blacks were 20 times more likely to die in gun homicides.