
Murphy’s Law: The Decline of ALEC
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of ALEC

The right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council, long a big influence on state legislatures and Wisconsin, is bleeding business support.

How Rivals for Governor, Attorney General Would Handle Drunken Driving

How Rivals for Governor, Attorney General Would Handle Drunken Driving

Only Burke calls for making first-offense OWI a crime in Wisconsin.

Pols Raise Cash Behind Closed Doors

Pols Raise Cash Behind Closed Doors

Both parties have ever-more secret fundraisers attended by lobbyists and insiders who influence state policy.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy

His strategy was to “largely ignore” Burke. That may have been a mistake.

The State of Politics: How to Change the State Tax Burden
The State of Politics

How to Change the State Tax Burden

New report proposes reducing property and income taxes by broadening the sales tax.

Data Wonk: Why the Appeals Court Slapped Down Conservatives
Data Wonk

Why the Appeals Court Slapped Down Conservatives

In John Doe case, the Republican-leaning court tossed out 7 suits against John Chisholm, and chastised Judge Randa. Why?

The State of Politics: Remembering Neil Shively
The State of Politics

Remembering Neil Shively

The longtime Milwaukee Sentinel Capitol bureau chief was a true character, and an inspiration to other journalists.

Murphy’s Law: The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted
Murphy’s Law

The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted

Few on Scott Walker’s team wanted Rebecca Kleefish to win or had any respect for her. Yet she could be the next governor.

Murphy’s Law: The Massive Gender Gap in Gov’s Race
Murphy’s Law

The Massive Gender Gap in Gov’s Race

Walker does terrible with women. But Burke does far worse with men. Why?

Underdogs for Congress

Underdogs for Congress

Only one congressional race is (barely) competitive in Wisconsin. The seven incumbents have a 14-1 advantage in campaign cash.

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Critics say anti-regulatory bent means state hasn't addressed potential hazards and adapted cost-saving advances. First of a series.

The State of Politics: What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?
The State of Politics

What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?

They didn’t believe a governor should be recalled in mid-term. But will they vote to reelect Walker?